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Chicago Illinois Savage Race & Savage Blitz 2020

July 25, 2020

Richardson Adventure Farm

9405 Richardson Road, Spring Grove, IL, United States

Use discount code MRG5 for $5 off your registration


July 25, 2020

Race Start Time:

Waves start at 9:00 am and continue every twenty minutes. We try to accommodate wave preferences, but we are not able to in all circumstances. Actual start times will be e-mailed to you one week before your event. We will make sure that all team members are in the same start time.


Richardson Adventure Farm
9405 Richardson Road
Spring Grove, IL, United States - View Map

Distance & Course Length:

Savage Race Distance: Approximately 5.5 miles of Savage terrain, obstacles, mud, and water crossings on a course with 25+ obstacles, and rolling hills
Savage Blitz Distance: Approximately 3 miles of Savage terrain, obstacles, mud, and water crossings on a course with 15-20 obstacles, and rolling hills


Savage Race

150 Past Events, 0 other upcoming races


Average rating: 4.62 / 5 from 71 reviews.

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Use discount code MRG5 for $5 off your registration


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Who’s Attending?

Let people know you are attending by sharing on Facebook and adding it to your MRG profile, or by entering your email.

Cost & Pricing:

Savage Race CostSavage Blitz CostUntil
$79$69May 7th, 2020
$89$79May 28th, 2020
$99$89June 18th, 2020
$109$99July 9th, 2020
$119$109July 15th, 2020
$129$119Registration Closes

Insurance Contribution Fee - Due to the extreme nature of our course, this event venue requires a $15 insurance contribution fee. This fee does not apply to spectators.
Savage PRO costs $30 more than open waves
Do you qualify as military, LEO or first responder? If so, we give $10 discounts to people like you. We also give student discounts.
We do not issue refunds under any circumstance. Registration transfers are not allowed.

What You Get / What's Included:

  • Savage T-Shirt
  • One free beer
  • Custom Savage Medal
  • Free Action Photos
  • Chip timing
  • Mud in your Underwear


Course Description:

The Savage Race is an intense 6-7 mile obstacle run with 25 world class obstacles, mud, fire, and barbed wire. Completion requires teamwork, courage, and the will to push your limits farther than you ever have before. Run individually or create a team
Savage Blitz is a 3-mile obstacle course race to complement Savage Race’s original 5-7 mile format. Savage Blitz features many of the Savage Race signature obstacles participants have come to know and love over a shorter distance. There is a lot of interest from folks who aren’t quite ready for a 5-7 mile Savage Race, so we created a race product that would be better for a beginning OCR athlete. Savage Blitz is also going to be a lot of fun for experienced athletes who want to run a faster course. Fifteen to twenty obstacles is a lot to pack into a 3-mile course.
Certain Savage Race obstacles like Colossus or Davy Jones’ Locker will not be included in Savage Blitz. Savage Blitz will not feature obstacles with water depth over 6 feet.

All distances of Savage Race are challenging fun that will give you and your friends an adrenaline buzz that lasts for days. For the price of a bar tab, you will have a ""top five days of my life"" kind of experience. Savage Race is known for having the best obstacles, courses and venues in the mud and obstacle race business.
Savage Race is more than just a mud race or obstacle race. It’s designed to be the experience of a lifetime. We feature some of the biggest and most badass mud obstacles in the business, and we never need more than 6 miles to completely kick your ass. If you want to conquer the best obstacles in the game, tightly packed within a 3-6 mile course, we’re the race for you. There are longer obstacle courses & mud run races out there, but none with more obstacles per mile than Savage Race. At Savage Race, you spend more time on our extreme mud obstacles and less time jogging.

Each venue is different, of course, but in all cases you should expect an extreme dirty mud racing environment! Adding to the mayhem, we sprinkle 23 or more insane obstacles throughout the already-difficult course. Obstacles will vary by location, and you should always be prepared to face a surprise or two along the way.

Obstacles May Include:
Wheel World: The spinning action of each wheel as you attempt this obstacle will test your grip strength and body control. Try to find an even rhythm or else you will end up at the bottom of the pool below. Completion Rate: 55%
On the Fence: If you ever had to jump a fence to escape that neighbor’s Rottweiler that always seemed to get loose, then your instincts will get you across this obstacle in no time. This is a challenge like no other, forcing you to clench your hands and feet as you traverse on a moving chainlink fence suspended over water. At least slipping off this fence is better than a nip in the ass from that Rottweiler. Completion Rate: 58%
Savage Rig: Beast mode? More like Savage mode! With every setup not quite like the one before, there is no telling what exactly to expect. One thing is for certain, however. You’ll have to give it your all to muscle through this Savage Rig. Completion Rate: 50%
Big Cheese: One glimpse at this obstacle and you’ll know why it’s the Big Cheese. Strategize carefully as the holes are about as random as on a slice of Swiss. Completion Rate: 90%
Pole Cat: This is the ultimate test of core strength as you shimmy your way across parallel bars of different heights. Lose your grip or slip a foot and you’ll pay the price with a solid belly flop into the muddy pool below. Completion Rate: 64%
Squeeze Play: What could make crawling through the mud even better? Well, forcing you further into it, of course. That’s exactly what Squeeze Play does as you push your way through several lanes of giant swiveling barrels. Completion Rate: 95%
Pipe Dreams: Maneuvering across these poles will really test your grip strength. There is more than one way to complete Pipe Dreams, so pick your style and go for it. Hang on tight, because the steel poles will be swaying back and forth the full 24 feet. Find your rhythm and enjoy the ride. Completion Rate: 54%
Sawtooth: Sawtooth is one of Savage Race’s signature obstacles. You can’t miss this blue mammoth with it’s unique design. The gnarly tooth in the center of the structure has diminished the hopes and dreams of many Savages as they drop 10 feet into the water below. You’ll need to start working on those pull-ups to cross the entire 35 foot span. Completion Rate: 40%
Shriveled Richard: Jump into one of our mammoth ice water baths. This one is cold. It's certainly not an ideal situation for men in speedos. In fact, this obstacle is brutal.
Rubbers: Sprint through an uphill sea of tires. Don't fall on your face.
Thor's Grundle: Duck under the wooden baffles to get a face full of mud. It's disgusting, we know.
Back Scratcher: This is a disgustingly long series of wooden walls, hay bales, and barbed wire crawls. Most people would rather do 100 burpees if they had the choice (you don't).
Nutt Smasher: The nutt smasher is our version of the balance beam... on crack rock. It's long, wobbly, and most of you will end up falling off into the mud. Oh yeah, and the awesome people from Autism Speaks sell water balloons here, so don't be surprised if you get a balloon to the grill.
96"" Stiffie: An intense climb over an 8 foot wall. Most people can't make this climb unassisted, so don't be afraid to ask for help.
Swamp Trail (aka Shoezilla): Run through thick, shoe sucking mud. We collected over 1,000 shoes from this obstacle alone after our last race.
Lumberjack Lane: Carry a log or maybe a sand bag and march, soldier! Bad ass mofos grab two!
Big Ass Cargo Net: This obstacle is our big ass cargo net. Climb up, then climb down. We hope you aren't scared of heights.
Mach 7: Haul ass down this slippery mother. It's so high you will need an oxygen mask. Our new and improved design allows more Savages to safely slide at once.
Barn Doors: We took the doors off of Uncle Jed's barn and painted them Savage orange. Now you have to climb them.
Hay Stacks: We stack up the hay. High. Now climb!
Colon Blow 5000: Crawl up and down our large plastic colons. Okay, so they are actually plastic sewer pipes, but you can still pretend like you are a little gerbil. It's pitch black in there, and we've thrown in two barbed wire crawls to make it more interesting. Some people call this our ""scarriest"" obstacle.
Evil Bars: Evil bars are our twisted take on a childhood classic. Remember your play ground's monkey bars? Well these are longer, steeper, and more challenging than those were.
Swamp Ass: Tromp through the swamp. More mud. More sweet, sticky, lovely mud.
Incline Wall: By the time you get to the incline wall obstacle, your ass is pretty much already beat down. Your muscles are already fried, and now you have to try to make your way up a slippery incline wall. WTF Savage Race?
Tire Pendulum: We hang about 200 rubber tires from ropes and let them swing. Get a few dozen people running through at once and look out! These bad boys will be swinging everywhere, and believe me you won't want to catch one to the face.
Flaming Savages: Jump over rows of fire. Yes, real fire. Please take this one seriously. Jump over it. Do not touch it.
Mud N' Guts: Low-crawl through delicious mud under our signature Savage orange barbed wire.
Mystery Obstacles: We can't give everything away before the race. Expect a few surprises.


Take your experience to the next level with SavagePro.
SavagePRO is for advanced athletes looking to take their Savage Race experience to the next level. SavagePRO participants compete for age group awards, special medals, cash prizes, and all the glory. SavagePRO is always the first race heat of the day, starting with a fresh course, at 9:00 am. SavagePRO is for the top 5% of runners, not for casual competitors, or beginners. SavagePRO costs $30 more than open heats.
Overall Awards & Cash Prizes: (male and female)

  • 1st Place Overall: $1,000; Gold Medal; Savage Axe
  • 2nd Place Overall: $500; Silver Medal
  • 3rd Place Overall: $250; Bronze Medal
Age Group Awards: (66 total awards, male and female)
  • 1st Place in Age Group: Gold Medal
  • 2nd Place in Age Group: Silver Medal
  • 3rd Place in Age Group: Bronze Medal


Spectators are welcome to walk the course, enjoy the Savage festival, and take pictures of their friends and family. $15 online, $25 at gate for people 14 and over.


We charge $10 per car, $25 for RVs, and $5 for motorcycles. Most Savages choose to carpool so that the cost per person is minimal. (Hint: carpool)

Post Party:

After defeating the race course, Savages reward themselves with frosty beer, delicious barbeque, and awesome music at the outrageous Savage after party. Savages over the age of 21 will get one free beer included with registration. Make sure to bring cash for purchasing additional beer and food from our top notch vendors.


Savage Race uses chip timing to record your race time. Race chips and instructions will be given on race day. Results will be available on race day. Official results will be posted online a few days after the event.

This event venue does not allow pets or coolers of any kind.

Our participants generally fall into one of two categories: easygoing weekend warrior types or fierce competitors. If you are the competitive type, make sure to sign up for our competitive heat (wave 1) to be eligible for finisher awards. If you just want to run to have fun, sign up for a non-competitive wave. Competitive or not, all participants are encouraged to help each other complete the race course. All participants are chip timed and will have their race results posted.

Savage Race wouldn’t be nearly as awesome without our lady savages. Women make up about 44% of our participants.

Bring dry clothes that suit the weather of the event day. It sucks to be too cold/hot when your friends want to stick around after the race.

You must be 14 years old on event day to participate in Savage Race. If you are under 18 on race day, you must arrive to our event with your race waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.

Savage Syndicate is a loyalty program designed to reward participants who run in two or more events within a single calendar year (this means between January 1 and December 31 of the same year). After you qualify, you can pick up your own Syndicate medal and race finisher pins (one for each race) onsite at your qualifying race

For kids 12 and under, the Junior Savage Race will consist of 10-12 junior obstacles in a 1/2 to 1 mile course.
Each Junior Savage will go home with an official Savage Race medal, a T-shirt, a race bib and a huge smile!

Savage Race offers a Savage Race x GoRuck event at select races. There are 2 flavors. One is a Savage Race GoRuck Rucking Division, at 9:30am on Saturdays. Rucking Division is not a Cadre-led event. In Rucking Division, you simply show up, have fun, and ruck the course with your friends and others from the GORUCK community. Rucking Division finishers earn a special patch in addition to their T-shirt and medal. Rucking Division event completions do count toward Savage Syndicate qualification.
There is also a Savage Race GORUCK Tough (starting late Friday evening). GORUCK teams up with Savage Race for a special GORUCK Tough Challenge on the grounds of the Savage Race. That means your Special Forces Cadre will have access to Savage Race’s 27+ obstacles for you to lead, follow, and overcome adversity as a team, by night, on an obstacle course closed to everyone else until morning. GORUCK Tough finishers earn a special patch in addition to Savage Race T-shirt and finisher medal. Savage Race GORUCK Tough event completions do count toward Syndicate qualification. Additional gear is required for this event.

We work with many different charitable organizations and community groups. We have made significant contributions to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Autism Speaks, BASE Camp Childhood Cancer Foundation, Cambrian Foundation and Boy Scouts of America.


Savage Race is about teamwork, friendship, and community. It’s also about smiling and having a lot of fun. Make the most out of your Savage experience by completing it with your friends and family. We promise that it is the best that way.
Savage Race offers corporate discounts for groups of 8 or more who pay for their registrations with a single payment.

Coupons / Discount Codes:

Please see our obstacle course race discount & promotion page for all the latest discounts, promos, promotions, discount codes, and coupon codes for Chicago Illinois Savage Race & Savage Blitz 2020. There also may be one listed at the top of this page.