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Vitality Obstacle Fitness

1822 N Main St
Fall River, MA 02720 United States

Vitality Obstacle Fitness is the premier training facility in New England; whether you want to train on over 40 obstacles seen on Ninja Warrior or OCRs, or FINALLY get those fitness results you been looking for, this is the place and community for you! We offer Morning Bootcamps, Evening Conditioning Classes, and Freestyle Sessions.

Vitality Obstacle Fitness is a facility dedicated to strength. Using obstacles and functional training to help you reach your fitness goals! Some of our obstacles include:
1. Warped Wall 14ft

2. Warped Wall 11ft

3. Double Salmon Ladder

4. Cargo Nets

5. Monkey Bars

6. Quintuple Steps

7. Rope Swing

8. Unstable Bridge

9. Ring Swing

10. Cannonball Alley

11. Bulb Grasper

12. Up and Over Walls

13. Floating Doors

14. Traverse Rope

15. Traverse Wall

16. Pipe Bombs

17. Ring Toss

18. Hurdles

19. Cliffhanger

20. Peg Board

21. Hook Grasper

22. Slackline

23. Balance Tank

24. Rope Ladder

25. Rope Wall

26. Cannonball Peg Board

27. Sled Push and Pull

28. Flying Nunchucks

29. Flying Cliffhanger

30. Lache Bars

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Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.