The most common question that comes up in the obstacle race community, is “How should I train for an obstacle race?” A lot depends on what your background is and what your goals are for the event. When people ask this question they often are really asking “What exercises should I do?” But there is more to it than just exercising. You should eat well, rest and make sure you have the right gear. But no matter how hard you train you really never know what to expect on race day. That's where we come in, at Phoenix Evolution OCR Training we provide a real world race day experience. It doesn't matter if you are a novice or an elite obstacle racer, you still need to hone your skills, to make you a complete and most importantly the most bad ass obstacle racer you can be. Our training course will encompass outdoor obstacles, running, exercises to help with strength, and much more to create a true obstacle race day experience.

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