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Brooklyn Zoo

230 Bogart St
Brooklyn, NY 11206 United States

Brooklyn Zoo NY is New York City’s newest parkour training facility that revolutionizes the art of movement and fitness. We offer an experience that inspires our members to overcome obstacles both physical and mental. Our services include the art forms of parkour, breakdancing, trampoline, tumbling, tricking, dance and more. Our experienced instructors use methods of progression and attention to detail, technique and style, that will help members achieve the results they desire.

Brooklyn Zoo is a 4,500 sq ft. parkour facility. Accommodating the absolute beginner to the advanced practitioner, the Zoo is equipped with all you may need to bring your performance to the next level.

Obstacle replicas include the Warped Wall, Double Salmon Ladder, Globe Graspers, Ring Dive, Quint Steps, Jumping Bars, pipe slider, unstable bridge, body prop, and much, much more!

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