
Race Recap: Spartan Sprint Vancouver

By |June 27th, 2014|

The course this year was an additional 2.5 km. At each obstacle the volunteers clearly explained the obstacles, how they worked and what the penalty was for failing to complete them. It was also clearly stated this year that you could get help if you needed some. I liked the course this year more as it was longer, and you were able to go higher up the mountain and down it.

I AM OCR: Devon Musko and Andrew Blakley

By |June 26th, 2014|

From my first event to this day I have been excited about the prospect of pushing my limits and the limits of the obstacle course racing events. The end of the line for the two largest events in our country are the Worlds Toughest Mudder and the Spartan Death Race. Having participated in WTM in 2013 I am now about to take on the Death Race and find out if I have what it takes. The two events have chosen vastly different atmospheres and different challenges to apply to its participants.

Race Recap: Spartan Beast Monterey

By |June 24th, 2014|

Knowing that we were going to be running up and down mountains, I decided to take a slower pace at the beginning of the race. I didn't want to burn out early. From what I saw, it was pretty much the mass consensus once we reached the first climb. I have to hand it to Dan. He managed to find every single track trail that had a steep grade and long distance to climb. Calves and quads were to be tested this day! After about 2.5 miles of running up and then back down that same mountain on the long trail, we make our first loop back through the festival area for the Rolling Mud and Monkey Net obstacles.

Race Recap: Tri State Spartan Sprint

By |June 16th, 2014|

This was one tough course. It was at Tuxedo Ridge Ski Resort in Tuxedo NY. This was the last day of the Actual 4 races that took place here over two consecutive weekends. In the 4 days over 18,600 people raced. That’s a lot of bodies. Being from Colorado I thought I might have an advantage with the terrain, nope I went up and down that mountain. I did not run at all, well I did for about 5 minutes in the beginning and then it was just uphill, rocky, boulders, tricky stuff. I do not have that same competitive edge as younger folks. I am all about self-preservation which I again executed so that I may race another day.

Race Recap: Texas Spartan Super

By |May 27th, 2014|

This was my very first venture into the land of longer distances. I am going for my Trifecta with Spartan this year. I am doing it while I can, and while I still feel capable. I have done 7 Spartan Sprints with 2 more on tap for this year. What do I think about the Super versus the Sprint?

I AM OCR: Spartan Death Race participants

By |May 13th, 2014|

The Spartan Death Race. Just the name is enough to scare most away. However on June 27th, 300 elite athletes will arrive in the small town of Pittsfield, VT to prove their might. So, just what is the Spartan Death Race (SDR)? The SDR is a true test of endurance in that the race will last anywhere from 24-72 hours. The competitors are not given a map beforehand, nor are the aware of what challenges await. Challenges range from physical (chopping wood, 30 mile hike with rocks, etc) to mental (memorizing the names of the first 10 U.S. presidents or bible verse and then hike to the top of a mountain and recite them back in order).

OCR World Championships: New Qualifiers & Digital Media Partners

By |May 13th, 2014|

The OCR World Championships (OCRWC), obstacle course racing's first independent championship, furthered its reach into international territory with today’s announcement of new qualifying events and digital media partners. This marks another important moment in what is anticipated to be the most collaborative event in the sport’s history.

Race Recap: Indiana Spartan Sprint

By |May 12th, 2014|

Here I am, a little over a week after the Indiana Spartan Sprint and finally sitting down to put my experience into words.  I have mulled over even writing down the day’s events but ultimately you can’t document a journey toward a goal without also including the low points.

Race Recap: Spartan Colorado Military Sprint

By |May 8th, 2014|

Ah Colorado. This was the 3rd year that spartan has done the military sprint at Fort Carson Army base. For those of you who would like a challenge with the spartan sprints, seriously look at this race. The obstacles are dense. In 4.5 miles we completed 25 obstacles. Sometimes back to back, and at the finish there are spear, Hercules hoist, dunk wall mud climb,slippery wall, horizontal cargo net bridge, fire jump and gauntlet.

IORF: Spartan Race Taps Adventure Racing Pro for Top Spot

By |May 1st, 2014|

The IORF has been launched by Spartan Race in consultation with a number of industry leaders to address these concerns, establishing unified rules of competition, safety protocols and admission processes for member organizations meeting the IORF’s standards of excellence. In addition to enhancing safety and quality control standards across the obstacle racing industry, the IORF intends to focus on member benefits both at races and beyond, including establishing an international ranking system. Upon achieving certain operational milestones and 501(c)(3) (non-profit) status, which it is currently working towards, the IORF will operate independently. The Federation’s website is currently soliciting interest from prospective judges, officials, athletes and others within the space and will more fully launch later in the year.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.