
OEW: Camp Rhino & WTM Sneak Peak

By |August 3rd, 2015|

Sneak Peek of World's Toughest Mudder's new venue in Las Vegas, Altitude training at 800' with Julie Johnston and Camp Rhino, Inov8 TrailRoc 245 1:00 Review by Eric Acuña, and Inside the Gear Shed: Sandbags - with Hyperwear and Wreck Bag!

OAW: Cody Moat Opens Up, Gear Review, & Spartan Venue Sneak Peek?

By |August 3rd, 2015|

We interview The top US finisher in the 2014 Spartan Race World Championship Cody Moat and learn about his background, first race, and tips on balancing work, workouts, racing, and life. Margaret gives us a sneak peek of a potential 2015 Nevada Spartan Super new venue, Eric Acuña gives a 1:00 review of Muscle Ropes

I Am OCR: Brakken Kraker

By |July 31st, 2015|

When the opportunity came up to interview Spartan pro/elite Brakken Kraker I was excited and jumped at the opportunity. Brakken competed in to the 2014 OCR World Championships, is a former OCR Warrior champion, currently a stay at home dad for two amazing young children, and races with and against his brother McCauley Kraker.

Race Review: Pennsylvania Spartan Super & Sprint weekend

By |July 29th, 2015|

The Pennsylvania Spartan weekend has been one of the most anticipated Spartan race weekends of the year for me as last year’s Pennsylvania Sprint course was my favorite Spartan course I did all year. I also was super excited that Spartan was stepping it up this year and offering a Super at the same venue and I had high expectations for both the Super and Sprint to be good races.

OCR to Highlight The Running Event in Austin

By |July 27th, 2015|

Running is one of the most popular fitness activities in North America, but it's not necessarily practiced in a straight line. While marathons, particularly half-marathons increase in popularity, so does Obstacle Course Racing (OCR), which The Running Event (TRE) will examine in a new Experiential Zone adjacent to the main hall of the Austin Convention Center, Dec. 1-4, 2015.

Race Review: Spartan Race Canada – Toronto Sprint & Super

By |July 25th, 2015|

This was my third trip to Canada for a Spartan Canada event and like the first two; I was very excited to be going back to Canada and to another Spartan Canada event. Just like the first two events, registration was super-fast and nice and easy and completed in less than a total of two minutes.

I AM OCR: Matt “The Bear” Novakovich

By |July 23rd, 2015|

Matt "The Bear" Novakovich burst onto the OCR scene in 2013 with his legendary win over the famed Hobie Call at the Spartan Race in Wintergreen, Virginia. He was quickly recruited to join the Spartan Pro Team and has impressive sponsors such as Reebok. Matt took time out of his busy race weekend schedule to answer some questions for the OCR world to get to know him as a person and athlete better.

Race Review: Spartan Race Pennsylvania

By |July 22nd, 2015|

Reebok Spartan Race headed back to Palmerton, Pennsylvania on July 11th and 12th. The event was hosted at the Blue Mountain Ski Area in Little Gap Valley, this Super/Sprint weekend was one of my favorites to date. With #effNorm as the race director, he spiced things up this year by adding a very challenging Super course on Saturday in addition to the Sprint course on Sunday.

Last Week in OCR: Spartan on the Mountain

By |July 13th, 2015|

Summer is in full swing and things are heating up on the competitive racing circuit. One major competitive race dominated the OCR market over the weekend and some have dubbed it a preview of what is to come later this year when the championship circuit begins. Racers from around the world flocked to Palmerton, Pennsylvania for the Reebok Spartan Race Super on Blue Mountain.

Race Recap: Spartan Race Sprint Ottawa

By |July 10th, 2015|

This was my fifth trip to Canada in 2015 for an OCR race weekend and this one started out with more drama than the others. I arranged a place to stay via airbnb and arrived in Ottawa just after 8 pm on Friday night, but unfortunately the person I had to meet for the keys to the place was not available and explained via text messages he unavailable until 10 pm. After hours of waiting he was a no show and we ended up having to drive to the Spartan Ottawa venue parking lot around 1 am and all three of us slept in my Prius. An interesting beginning to the trip.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.