
Last Week in OCR: The Hardest OCR Ever!

By |August 31st, 2015|

Another busy weekend in the world of OCR. Many took to social media over the weekend proclaiming that one race was possibly the hardest regular season OCR ever. That race was BattleFrog at the Mud, Guts, and Glory course over the weekend. As well high praises graced the web after the Spartan Races in both Asheville and Boston.

Opinion: Are Events like The Death Race Obstacle Course Races?

By |August 28th, 2015|

As an Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) athlete who typically is better at longer events, I often am asked the question “When are you going to do the Death Race (or insert other similar event)?” The answer is probably never…because it is a different sport. Death Race and events like it such as The Ultimate SUCK, The Brutality, GORUCK Selection, Fuego y Agua and SISU Iron are not OCR events. They fall into a category on their own that lies in a region between OCR and Adventure Racing but closer to the latter.

Choosing The Right OCR Shoes

By |August 15th, 2015|

Brett provides his in-depth review of the Icebug product line fit for OCR's and Mud Runs: Mist, Acceleritas, and Zeal - and provide you with the info where & when you should use each one for racing or training.

OCR Warrior: Ep. 36 – Leah Land vs. Jennifer Klentzman – Women’s Final

By |August 10th, 2015|

Bloodied and bruised, the Women's Final is down to Spartan Race course builder Leah Land and former BattleFrog race manager Jennifer Klentzman. While their hands are destroyed from multiple trips through the course in qualifying and Knockout Round #1, these ladies will give it their all for the right to be called OCR Warrior San Antonio Champion!

Hobie Call: In His Own Words

By |August 8th, 2015|

Mud Run Guide's Editor-In-Chief Margaret Schlachter sits down with the Godfather of OCR, Hobie Call to learn more about his future in the sport he helped put on the map - obstacle course racing. Is he hanging up his shoes and retiring, or does he have a bigger challenge in the near future?

OAW: Canada’s Toughest Couple – Olympians & OCR Athletes Clo and Marco

By |August 6th, 2015|

Canada's Toughest (and nicest) Couple - Claude Godbout (2x Spartan World Champion) and her Olympic teammate/boyfriend/OCR World Championships teammate (also a Spartan champ) Marco Bedard bring us inside their lives, training, and more!

OAW: Spartan Race’s Joe De Sena & OCR World Champion Jon Albon

By |August 5th, 2015|

On this episode of Obstacle and Adventure Weekly, we get inside the head of Joe De Sena, the CEO of Spartan Race at his home in Pittsfield VT on the eve of the 2014 Spartan Race World Championship. Then, we meet up with the winner of that race, along with the 2014 OCR World Championships, Jon Albon.

Into the Wild: John Yatsko

By |August 4th, 2015|

If you think you know John Yatsko, but you don’t know him personally, there is a good chance that you don’t really know him at all. Perceived as smug, dismissive, and blunt - there is much more to the story… Tim Sinnett gets an exclusive interview with the illusive John Yatsko.

Race Preview: Spartan Race Ultra Beast Canada

By |August 4th, 2015|

Spartan Canada founder Selica Sevigny and I spoke a few weeks back and she promised the Canadian Ultra Beast course that would be harder than last year’s Vermont Ultra Beast. Spartan Canada is taking this Ultra Beast very seriously and they want to put on an event that will be known as one of the hardest Spartan races in any country to date. As the Ultra Beast approaches, I reached out to the Ultra Beast race director Dan Luzzi and find out everything

OAW: TyAnn Clark – Mom & Spartan Race Pro

By |August 3rd, 2015|

Host Margaret Schlachter takes you inside the world of Elite OCR Athlete TyAnn Clark to learn about her intro to the world of OCR, how she balances training & family, and more.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.