  • Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 5 Preview

Inside the Episode: Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 5

By |July 8th, 2016|

Last night, Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 5 aired on NBC. It was a battle of the titans last night with many well-known names in the sport going up against each other. Between the powerhouse team of Comeback Kids taking the win for the night featuring Beni Gifford, Ian Deyerle, Lynnae Kettler, Laura Messner and Matthew Campione to the teams anchored by Matthew "Bear" Novakovich, Eric Matta, and Ryan Kent. This was on of the episodes to watch of the season!

  • Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 5 Preview

Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 5 Preview

By |July 5th, 2016|

Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge returns to NBC this Thursday night at 9pm. This week features some of OCR's favorite athletes as six more teams go head-to-head to find out which team will advance to the finals. The show drew 3.71 million viewers last weekend airing after the Olympic Trials. Boosting it's numbers from the week before.

  • Spartan Race AGOGE China

One Spartan Race AGOGE Story – Teamwork

By |July 4th, 2016|

It takes a village to raise a child the saying goes, and in the case of the Spartan Race - AGOGE these same principles apply. Learn about one man's story of the support he received from Amy Palmiero-Winters at the AGOGE 002 and how even after being pulled for medical reasons he still was with Winters the whole event. Get inspired by this one story and read the inspiring account of Mud Run Guide's own Chris Cow in his AGOGE 002 experience in Pittsfield, Vermont.

  • Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 4

Inside the Episode: Spartan Ultimate Challenge Episode 4

By |July 1st, 2016|

Last night Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 4 aired on NBC. It was all about Spartans vs. Ninjas last night with American Ninja Warrior Alums up against some of the top Spartan Racers. Advancing to the finals last night were the Sacramento Spartans, Team GRIT, and the Wedding Ringers. It was a star studded episode featuring obstacle racers Cassidy Watton and Maggi Thorne, fitness guru and author Ben Greenfield, and American Ninja Warriors Kevin Bull and Lance Pekus.

Tough Mudder and Spartan Race: Experience vs Identity marketing

By |June 29th, 2016|

I will admit I have never once worn my Tough Mudder t-shirts. Some found their way into my mother’s closet. Some were gifted to students. Others donated to Value Village. Spartan gear on the other hand continues to prosper. Shorts, t-shirts, shoes, sweaters. I never thought twice of throwing on a piece of Spartan gear to go to the gym. Some Spartan shirts were carefully chosen (an old Ultra Beast t-shirt worn to a Spartan Sprint or Super creates just the right amount of psychological warfare).

Last Week in OCR: From Sea-to-Sea

By |June 27th, 2016|

One of the things many of us love best about Obstacle Course Racing, is that the races come in so many forms. Not just the variety of obstacles and terrain, but that no matter what your skill level, there is something out there for everyone. Whether a race has 60 per year, or 6, is International, or a one-off rural labor of love – we are there having fun with our friends and family, doing what everyone else thinks we are crazy for doing, and knowing that they are the crazy ones for missing out.

Faces at the Races — Jerrod Rogers

By |June 27th, 2016|

I was friends with Yancy Culp before he started training full-time. He is a motivator! It's hard not to get excited after talking to him. Yancy has been my personal trainer for two and half years. My wife and I also motivate each other to stay at it.

Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge – Inside Episode 3

By |June 24th, 2016|

Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge moved to its new day and time last night on NBC. Last night's episode, hyped up the friendly rivalry between elite OCR competitors Hunter McIntyre and David Magida. The audience was inspired by Amy Winters and Amy Pajcic team's drive and determination on the challenging slip wall. Today we look at how the show did by the numbers and get the side scoop from three team captains.

Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge – Inside Episode 2

By |June 23rd, 2016|

The Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge aired their second episode on Monday night after American Ninja Warrior. The show moves to its new home at 9pm on Thursday nights on NBC. Before the show airs on its new night, Mud Run Guide brings you behind the scenes from Monday's episode with interviews from Bounce Squad and the rest of the teams.

Inside the Spartan Agoge Class 002

By |June 22nd, 2016|

These haunting words linger in my mind in the aftermath of one of the toughest and most interesting events I've participated in; the 60h Spartan Agoge Class 002 which took place this weekend in Pittsfield, Vermont.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.