
    OCR Insider: BattleFrog Behind the Scenes

    By |April 11th, 2016|

    The game-plan for BattleFrog Series' growth is to be full-steam ahead; during several different occasions with Ramiro he's explained the strategy of developing the entire sport of OCR, and how ESPN commercials and reality competitions, the Bowl Series, and investments in obstacle development (like the MOBs mentioned earlier) coupled with explosive expansion all over North America will create the future of the sport, obstacle course racing as a household term, or OCR 2.0 (my term).

      A Spartan’s Quest: Joe De Sena’s Greatest Challenge Yet

      By |March 31st, 2016|

      In some areas, the wall is beautiful; the stones you walk on and virtually every surface you touch is made out of bricks that were fired in a kiln. The structural ones were quarried, and the base is basically mounds of packed earth, but the wall becomes a sculpture on the surface. In other areas, the Great Wall is nothing more than a pile of rubble. Some parts have completely disintegrated and you'd never even know the wall was there.

        Warrior Race, South Africa – Race Recap

        By |February 8th, 2016|

        South Africa’s OCR season for 2016 has now officially begun with the start of the Warrior Races! The first Warrior Race was this weekend with almost 7000 participants. We have had a few earlier events, but those were mostly attended by Elite athletes and those in the know, and were more warm ups than true [...]

          Race Recap – Epic Series

          By |November 28th, 2015|

          How do you define the Epic Series? Sometimes, you can define something by what it isn't; in the British comedy Blackadder, sidekick Baldrick once wrote a definition of "Dog: not a cat". The Epic Series is not a mud run, it is not a strongman competition, and it is not the Crossfit Games - but it has elements of all of the above. The brain child of Aaron Ward and Tim Fitzpatrick, The Epic Series originally derived from Crossfit, and has undergone numerous changes as it has evolved through seven events since its inaugural run in April of 2013. It is a "functional fitness challenge". The Epic Race is divided into two parts; the basic race that everyone does, and a bonus Elite competition that was itself split into Strength and Endurance divisions.

            OCRWC 2015 Flashback Video

            By |November 10th, 2015|

            On October 17, 2015, the best obstacle racers in the world came together to battle it out in Oregonia, OH, USA at the premiere event in OCR. The nearly 10 mile course was littered with obstacles of all shapes and sizes, some natural and many man-made; sure to test the mettle of even the most resolute and talented athlete.

              Spartan Race World Championship Race Recap

              By |October 4th, 2015|

              Spartan Race World Championships took place yesterday at the iconic Squaw Valley in Lake Tahoe, California. The race brought athletes in from all over the world, in total about 20 countries where in attendance. The first seven miles of the course were a climb up to the peak of Squaw Valley, and it was immediately clear that experienced mountain runners would have an advantage. Robert Killian quickly surged into the lead on the men's side, a position he would not relinquish for the remainder of the day.

                What is Obstacle Course Racing as a Sport?

                By |October 2nd, 2015|

                Leading up to the Spartan World Championship, and the International Obstacle Racing Federation’s first World Congress, there has been a lot of talk about the “sport” aspect of obstacle course racing.

                  The Best Mud Runs for Beginners

                  By |September 15th, 2015|

                  All of these events are big on fun, and in descending order of difficulty. WIPEOUTRUN is the easiest, all the way down to Spartan Race Sprint as the hardest "beginner-friendly" races. If you're looking for a good reason to get muddy and experience an actual mud run/obstacle course race with guys and gals, our best suggestion is to start with Warrior Dash. Yeah, we know you're the adventurous type - but recommend getting at least one OCR under your belt before you move up to Spartan Race Sprint; even the short distance is pretty darn difficult with mandatory obstacle completion (the only one on this list that requires it)!

                    Race Recap: Wintergreen, VA – Spartan Super

                    By |September 1st, 2015|

                    Wintergreen, very few events regardless of which OCR company is doing them, brings to mind such suffering. While Spartan does have events that are more difficult, this is the mass event which everyone respects. The weather this year was a huge improvement from last year. The few days leading up to the event looked like it could be a repeat of the rain and fog. But Spartans everywhere prayed to the proper gods and the skies opened to allow for beautiful views of the epic scenery and a light breeze to keep it reasonable, but in true Spartan fashion that is where the nice things ended.

                      Race Recap: 5K SuperSplash – Fun and Foam from Start to Finish

                      By |August 26th, 2015|

                      As the emails started to roll in, our interest was piqued! The advertising for SuperSplash 2015 kept us informed yet teased us as to what to expect at the upcoming event. We had booked our hotel rooms well in advance at Mont Habitant and were excited to head up early and enjoy the town, the food and the beautiful mountainside with lakefront properties.

                      Mud Run Guide
                      Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.