Sponsorship Part 2: Choosing the Right Company
Part two of five in the sponsorship series focuses on supplements. Finding the right company to fit your sport and to sponsor you as an athlete.
Part two of five in the sponsorship series focuses on supplements. Finding the right company to fit your sport and to sponsor you as an athlete.
As athletes get sponsored, people start asking, “Why am I not sponsored?” Over the next couple of articles, I will explore this question and other aspects of sponsorship. If you are a lower end of the pack, age grouper, I encourage you to stay with me because I think some of this will be eye opening and the final article in this series will have some lessons that you can take away to improve your race performance.
What about the rest of us, slogging through the course, often taking hours longer out there, struggling with obstacles they complete with ease, or pumping out what feels like a never ending stream of burpees? Where's our glory?
Personally, I used to spend a lot of my time Indoors...but that was before obstacle course racing (OCR) came into my life. Now I spend an inordinate amount of my time Outdoors. Building courses, volunteering at races and running events. Why? Because OCR events happen Outdoors...of course!
Recently, applications closed for the upcoming Spartan TV show and a casting call went out to elite obstacle racers. With Facebook feeds buzzing with casting videos and requests for teammates to join up for the forthcoming show, it has been the talk of the Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) world. Here is why I didn't apply...
As an Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) athlete who typically is better at longer events, I often am asked the question “When are you going to do the Death Race (or insert other similar event)?” The answer is probably never…because it is a different sport. Death Race and events like it such as The Ultimate SUCK, The Brutality, GORUCK Selection, Fuego y Agua and SISU Iron are not OCR events. They fall into a category on their own that lies in a region between OCR and Adventure Racing but closer to the latter.
As a sports performance coach, usually the first question I get from a potential client is something like, “how can I get faster”, or “what can I do to get better?” My simplest answer to this question is “chase or be chased!” Let’s face it, all the training in the world is nothing without passion! The easiest way I know to bring out an athlete’s passion is competition.
Getting loads of swag from races seems like a good thing at first. As your obstacle course racing (OCR) addiction grows though, it can present problems. If you missed the last article on what to do with your race shirts, make sure you check it out here. Now is time to decide what to do with all your race bibs. Luckily, I have six strong suggestions for you.
Hey there, OCR. Come on in and sit down. Let’s have a little chat, you and I. It’s time that we address an issue that has been steadily building over the past year. It’s not easy for me to say this but here it is: OCR, you are developing a bad case of hubris.
Now that racing season is well under way, it is time to learn some tricks on how to look good in photos. Although your main reason for racing or exercising may not be looks, everyone cares about how they look in photos on some level. Although pre/post race will allow for better utilization of these techniques, some are also applicable mid-race. These tips and tricks are common practice in the supplement industry for “after” photos and techniques you will see on the bodybuilding/physique stage.