
Race Recap: Blizzard Blast 2015

By |January 29th, 2015|

I was excited to finally get back into the flow with Blizzard Blast, the winter-inspired obstacle race created by SmithFest Events. Now in its third year, the race series has quickly become an annual tradition marking the beginning of the new OCR season in New England.

Race Recap: Boston Massachusetts Blizzard Blast

By |January 28th, 2015|

Mother Nature was a good sport and provided an amazing day for this event, the temperatures ranged from the start (11:00 AM) to the end (4:30 PM) from about 36 °F to 34 °F. The area also had a snow storm only a day earlier, which dropped about three to four inches of fresh snow on the course which made for some nice soft snow and more of a challenge.

I AM OCR: Jennifer Way

By |January 19th, 2015|

I saw a Facebook post about the Cahoots race to be held on 06/28/2014, and knew I had to do it. I was so very excited that day to do my first OCR! I was just as excited about doing my this, as I was the day I graduated college! I could barely contain my excitement!

Atlas Race: Best of the West Challenge

By |January 12th, 2015|

Atlas Race10887980_10204595838390361_1951751608_n continues to make waves in the obstacle racing world with another announcement on top of the recent Heart of Texas ThrowDown. This one is for all the west coast obstacle racers. The Best of the West Challenge is a three part series within Atlas Race that includes NorCal, Medford, and Portland. Racers that complete all three events in 2015 will earn a special medal and t-shirt for completing the Challenge

Tough Mudder – Challenging Participants in New Ways

By |January 8th, 2015|

The course designers over at Tough Mudder have come up with a new way to challenge participants who sign up for their events in 2015. Multiple sources including Sports Illustrated Online and are reporting that tear gas maybe be included in the arsenal of obstacles this coming year.

2014 Year in Review: Reflecting on the Year that was in Obstacle Course Racing

By |January 2nd, 2015|

Brakken Kraker takes an in depth view of the competitive OCR circuit in 2014, an analysis of trends in the industry and looks forward to next year.

Race Recap: Rock Solid Mud Run

By |December 23rd, 2014|

This is the second year that I have participated at the Rock Solid Mud Run in Englishtown, NJ. It is a race that is literally in my back yard – how can I not attend? Raceway Park in Englishtown is completely flat -- but the obstacles, trail running and swimming will challenge you.

Race Recap: Baltimore Civilian Military Combine

By |December 17th, 2014|

Civilian Military Combine or known by most as CMC is a completely different type of obstacle race and the Baltimore CMC was even more unique combining three different PIT elements and treating OCRSandy to a completely different event.

Race Recap: Spartan Stadium Race Fenway

By |December 3rd, 2014|

Growing up in New England, nearly every kid dreamed of playing in legendary Fenway Park. The dream quickly faded when I realized that I simply wasn't very good at baseball. However, when Spartan Race brought their stadium series races here a couple years ago, I jumped at the opportunity to finally get down on the same field as my childhood heroes.

The Ultimate Holiday Guy List for the OCR Athlete

By |November 28th, 2014|

The purpose of any Christmas List whether you’re 4 or 44 is to ask for things you really want “from Santa” and might not necessarily buy for yourself. The older you get, the more expensive your tastes get and correspondingly your Christmas List is likely to be filled with splurge items that would be cool to have.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.