
Race Recap: Rugged Maniac South Carolina

By |March 11th, 2015|

Last year, Rugged Manic went on NBC's Shark Tank and got billionaire investor Mark Cuban to invest in their brand. As I toed the starting line with a few friends I was excited to see what the infusion of cash and entrepreneurial talent added to the course.

Race Recap: Atlanta Spartan Race

By |March 10th, 2015|

To make a quick race weekend, part of the Relentless OCR team traveled down to the Atlanta Spartan Sprint the weekend of March 7-8, 2015. Despite the 3+ hours of stop and go traffic on the way there, the trip was totally worth it.

Race Recap – BattleFrog Miami

By |March 3rd, 2015|

OCRSandy travels down to Miami to race the first BattleFrog Xtreme race. Read about his experience in Miami and what the course had in store for the participants.

Last Weekend in OCR: Atlas Race Relaunches, BattleFrog Starts Season & The Brutality Debuts

By |March 2nd, 2015|

his past weekend the world of OCR was buzzing from coast-to-coast with the relaunch of Atlas Race, the season opener for BattleFrog Race Series as well as the new extreme endurance event The Brutality making it's debut. In case you missed any of the action we have it all here in our recap.

BattleFrog Announces a Partnership with ESPN

By |February 27th, 2015|

BattleFrog is headed to ESPN this summer. During their Central Florida race on March 13 and 14th, they will be filming for the BattleFrog ESPN Collegiate Championship. The competition will take place between March 12-15.

Race Recap: Spartan Stadium Race Tampa

By |February 18th, 2015|

Spartan Race once again staged a Stadium Event in Tampa that had tie-ins with Special Operations and the Military, and this year’s event was even better than last year’s. They took a race that was considered to be a favorite among many people who ran multiple Spartans and they added obstacles, made the race more challenging, and it was greater fun.

Race Recap: Tough Guy Original

By |February 16th, 2015|

Once I learned about Tough Guy, and it being the first and original obstacle course race ever created, I knew I had to go and do the winter race. I was originally going to stay at a hotel in town, but was invited to stay at Tough Guy HQ and Mr. Mouse’s home. I arrived on Thursday to give myself some time to recoup from the travel and time change. From the moment I arrived I was welcomed with open arms into the Mouse family home by both the Tough Guy staff and Mr. Mouse and his entire family.

Shale Hill Debuts Journeyman Division at 8-Hour Polar Bear Challenge

By |February 13th, 2015|

Shale Hill Obstacle Race Training Center in Benson, Vermont is infamous among many obstacle racers. It has been called obstacle racing's "Field of Dreams". The permanent obstacle course sits on the over 100-acre farm of Rob Butler.

Race Recap: Polar Hero Race, Ottawa, January 2015

By |February 9th, 2015|

I can hear the walls creak from the quick drop in temperature (-28C) outside. I roll over and it’s almost time to get up. It is so warm in bed and I have to force myself to venture from underneath the covers. Today’s adventure will take us to Ottawa, Ontario. The plan is to rendezvous at a common area and carpool to save on parking costs. We are registered for the Polar Hero Race and have about a 2 hour drive before our heat at 1000 hrs.

Fuego y Agua Preview: The Women’s Race

By |February 3rd, 2015|

Tomorrow begins the 2015 Fuego y Agua Survival Run, yesterday we looked at who are some of the men to watch in the race. Today we focus on the ladies. The women's race has drawn in some exceptionally fit and strong women this year and this looks like it will be the year that a female completes this race in Nicaragua. In the past only 4 men have completed the race with one finishing two year. Could this be the year that the women break the trend? We think so and here are some of the women who could do it.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.