
    Race Recap: Merrell Down and Dirty NY

    By |October 30th, 2014|

    This being my first Merrell Down & Dirty Race, I was not sure what to expect when it came to turn out so I was pretty impressed right from the start. It was sunny, but a little cold with a brisk wind, yet the turnout was well in the thousands. I made my way over to the event area and checked in with registration within minutes. I surveyed the event and saw participants of all ages and gender, Merrell Down & Dirty clearly has built a fan base that covers just about everyone.

      Race Recap: OCR World Championships – October 25, 2014

      By |October 28th, 2014|

      I was able to walk around and get a good look at a lot of the obstacles and terrain, and then had the opportunity to practice on the “Platinum Rig”, along with other racers in the dark. The energy even on Friday night was amazing and beyond anything I had experienced to date, including both my Vermont Beast's.

        Race Recap: Bone Frog Challenge NYC

        By |October 23rd, 2014|

        The only easy day was yesterday, this is my life motto/creed which I borrowed from the Navy SEAL's as it is their motto/creed. As I noted in my Bone Frog pre-race article, this event has been one of my most anticipated races all year! The day was just as it should be for a Navy SEAL OCR, it was pouring rain and not exactly warm.

          Race Recap: BattleFrog Pennsylvania 2014

          By |October 22nd, 2014|

          I have been counting the days since participating in my first BattleFrog 15K in NJ (August 2, 2014) and the time was finally here! I volunteered in NJ and had a blast and gained a great deal of respect for BattleFrog, so I decided to take a PTO day from work Friday and drive to down Thursday night to volunteer all day Friday. I was offered a media pass by MRG and didn’t need to volunteer, but I made a commitment to Oscar and Lex and wanted to honor it.

            I AM OCR: Cassedy Bowie

            By |October 21st, 2014|

            Shortly after my 21st birthday, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. This blow was hard to handle as I had been very sick for some time and being diagnosed with both at such a young age was a hard pill to swallow. For the next eight years of my life I became very ill and spent a lot of time at the hospital. Lupus and RA were controlling my life. I had numerous surgeries, blood clots, and a detached retina.

              Race Recap: Mega Mud Run Challenge SC

              By |October 20th, 2014|

              The Mega Mud Run Challenge (MMC) took place at Legare Farms, a 300 acre historic site in Charleston founded in 1725. Legare Farms is a working farm. Participants in the MMC literally ran past free roaming herds of cattle, baby pigs, and the occasional water buffalo. At one point in my tour of the course with the race director, Glenn Herring, a volunteer flagged down our all-terrain vehicle and told us that an injured pig was charging at the runners. What other mud run can claim that?!

                Race Recap: Savage Race Georgia Fall

                By |October 17th, 2014|

                The Bi-annual running of Savage Race Georgia is rapidly becoming a tradition for OCR athletes who want to run in a truly fun and challenging race that seems to test all facets of a person’s athletic abilities and mental toughness. This past race did not disappoint anyone who was lucky enough to be there.

                  Race Recap: Running Scared Zombie Apocalypse 5k

                  By |October 16th, 2014|

                  The Running Scared 5k started in 2013 and is now the official opening event of Boone Hall Fright Nights in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina located just outside of Charleston. Fright Nights is a month long festival that is a combination of a haunted hayride, a medieval haunted castle, a 3D nightmare adventure, and a full blown zombie town. The Running Scared 5k kicks off all of the Fright Night festivities leading up to Halloween and includes a number of side shows, vendors, and a variety of food tents.

                    Race Recap: Colorado Dirty Girl Mud Run

                    By |October 15th, 2014|

                    This past weekend marked the end of this year racing season for me and I finished it with a small little race, The Dirty Girl. I had done this race a couple of years earlier and this is one of those I called a startup race and perfect for those who just want a taste of obstacle racing.

                      Race Recap: The Mighty Run – Utica NY

                      By |October 14th, 2014|

                      The Mighty Run was developed to raise money for care provided on The Masonic Care Community campus. The Mighty Mites course rose over $12,000 to benefit its Child Care Center (the Center cares for children ages 8 weeks to 5 years old from all over the community). The Mighty Run raised almost $38,000 for its rehabilitation center. Everyone connected with the Mighty Run, clearly felt a great deal of pride on Saturday, despite the rain and cold, participants ended the course with smiles and energy!

                      Mud Run Guide
                      Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.