  • Muckfest MS Traveler Beer

Traveler Beer Sponsors MuckFest MS Series

By |May 5th, 2016|

  The Traveler Beer Company continues their partnership with MuckFest MS and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for the 2016 season.  Participants of legal drinking age can celebrate with a free Traveler Beer at the finish line this year. In 2016, muckers in 11 cities across the country will toast their mucky 5K run with [...]

BattleFrog Series Update – BFX Rule Change

By |May 3rd, 2016|

Since the inception of BattleFrog’s BFX, there have been several changes to tighten and hone the design to accommodate the growing numbers. But since the very first representation, the one thing that the athletes have called out for, was mandatory obstacle completion. Okay racers…you spoke, they listened. We spoke to David Moore, BattleFrog’s wearer of [...]

Race Recap – Tough Mudder, LA

By |April 21st, 2016|

This weekend marked the return of Tough Mudder to Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino, and the debut of the Tough Mudder Half on Sunday. Saturday dawned cool and very windy, requiring several of the venue tents to be reinforced. This wind would keep gusting as the day warmed up, often creating minor sandstorms across the dry hills.

  • Warrior Dash

Warrior Dash is Vital to OCR, and to Me. Here’s Why.

By |April 15th, 2016|

Year-in and year-out, Warrior Dash proves its worth as being one of the best mud runs for beginners, as I wrote in this article on that subject last year. One could argue their obstacles and event is somewhat formulaic, and that's exactly what I want! When I'm recommending a race for first-timers or fun-seekers - whether to millions of people* or a group of parents and teachers at my daughter's school, I want to know they are going to get a safe, fun, experience that I know each and every one of them can handle. Period.

  • Dirty Girl Arizona

Race Recap – Dirty Girl Arizona

By |April 14th, 2016|

Normally I sign up for as many races as I possibly can but I came across a race that I just couldn’t sign up for, literally. As hard as I tried to persuade the nice folks at the Dirty Girl Mud Run to let me run their race they stuck to their theme of a girl’s only event. My last ditch offer was made to run in drag but that request was also turned down. So I did the next best thing and I signed up to volunteer for this female only event that focuses on educating women about cancer prevention and celebrates those who have battled the deadly disease.

Mud Run Guide Premieres a BRAND NEW MuckFest MS video featuring Swing Set!

By |April 7th, 2016|

We’re proud to premiere a brand new video from MuckFest® MS, showcasing one of their signature obstacles, Swing Set! This obstacle is a giant standing swing that will launch you into the stratosphere before gravity intercedes and gives you an aquatic spanking.

A Spartan’s Quest: Joe De Sena’s Greatest Challenge Yet

By |March 31st, 2016|

In some areas, the wall is beautiful; the stones you walk on and virtually every surface you touch is made out of bricks that were fired in a kiln. The structural ones were quarried, and the base is basically mounds of packed earth, but the wall becomes a sculpture on the surface. In other areas, the Great Wall is nothing more than a pile of rubble. Some parts have completely disintegrated and you'd never even know the wall was there.

Faces at the Races — Macy Owens

By |March 29th, 2016|

This week Faces at the Races highlights Macy Nicole Owens. This 14-year old is already an avid obstacle racer looking to take her game to the next stage. Learn all about this young lady.

Savage Race – New Obstacles – Dade City ’16

By |March 26th, 2016|

Savage Race 2016 kicked off in Dade City Florida on March 19, debuting 5 new obstacles: PoleCat, On the Fence, Squeeze Play, a yet-unnamed "Mystery Obstacle" and the new SAVAGERIG. Mud Run Guide follows the action and brings you the men's and women's winners, "Air Force" Ken Corgliano and Rachel Corvington (just a couple weeks before their wedding!)

Race Recap: Bermuda Triple Challenge

By |March 25th, 2016|

Bermuda’s only obstacle course series, the Bermuda Triple Challenge kicked off this past weekend on the beautiful island. In its 3rd official year, the Triple Challenge has become a favorite of locals and one that is drawing attention from the international community as well. It consists of 3 days of events. The first race is Friday night, the second on Saturday morning followed by the final event on Sunday morning. Each event is unique, held in a different location on the island and challenge racers in different aspects.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.