
Race Recap: Tough Mudder Nashville

By |June 23rd, 2014|

I know there have been lots of articles this year about Tough Mudder getting easy. I won’t say that Tough Mudder as a whole is getting easy, TMHQ has some new awesome obstacles, both for everyone and legion members, but this is about a single event right now so let’s focus on Tough Mudder Nashville. Let me begin be saying that this article does contain a spoiler alert, I will flag it well so you can skip over it if you want to, not that I think anyone will, but someone might not want to know more about the TM Legionnaires Loop.

Race Recap: The Mud Run: Brampton, Ontario

By |June 19th, 2014|

The race itself is a 5K trek looping through woods and fields and back to the main event area. This race is for those who like to run. It weaves through a variety of terrains but the obstacles are few and far between. Racers kept asking whether the fallen trees were obstacles or just the trail itself. The wooded section was the best part with hill climbs, ropes, mud pits and some over unders.

Race Recap: Mud Kings

By |June 18th, 2014|

The overall course itself was touted as "Mud Kings", but I feel I could get muddier on my training runs! We began by wading through a large/rectangular "pool" before running over a small mound of dry dirt. The course then progressed to some other inflatable obstacles, and some fixed ones. The course itself was relatively flat with only one decent hill to ascend, and then a watered tarp to slide down upon the return. A 6' wall, and some angles walls with ropes were present. To that point, nothing too challenging. We then crawled through a few tubes, again with dry dirt in them, and small dirt piles to traverse prior to them.

Race Recap: Foam Fest Batavia, NY

By |June 17th, 2014|

Wow, with three races completed in a one week period, it was a hectic schedule so we decided to end with a FUN race where we did not have to take ourselves too seriously. Dressed in tutus and animal hats we shuffled off towards Buffalo to play in the foam.

Race Recap: Tri State Spartan Sprint

By |June 16th, 2014|

This was one tough course. It was at Tuxedo Ridge Ski Resort in Tuxedo NY. This was the last day of the Actual 4 races that took place here over two consecutive weekends. In the 4 days over 18,600 people raced. That’s a lot of bodies. Being from Colorado I thought I might have an advantage with the terrain, nope I went up and down that mountain. I did not run at all, well I did for about 5 minutes in the beginning and then it was just uphill, rocky, boulders, tricky stuff. I do not have that same competitive edge as younger folks. I am all about self-preservation which I again executed so that I may race another day.

Race Recap: The Punisher

By |June 13th, 2014|

This race was located at the Christie Lake Conservation area in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The race itself is an 8KM trek looping through woods and fields and back to the main event area. From the very start of the race, racers are dunked into the lake for a swim and then right into a variety of obstacles (16) including river back crawls, walls, over/unders, monkey bars and mud pits.

RACE RECAP: BattleFrog Georgia

By |June 12th, 2014|

The Inaugural running of the BattleFrog Series Race kicked off this past weekend with a Bang. Literally. An Obstacle Course Race designed and operated by current and former Navy Seals was marked by all of the Military Pageantry customary at patriotic celebrations around the country. Helicopter fly-overs, Seal Team Demonstrations, the sounds of (blank) rounds being fired, and the occasional boom of an artillery simulator explosion set this apart from a casual mud run the moment you parked your car.

Race Recap: Tough Mudder New England

By |June 11th, 2014|

Tough Mudder is one of the major names in obstacle course racing, but it’s not a race, it’s a *challenge*. It is 10-12 miles, untimed and group focused. Obstacles are designed to be conquered together, by helping one another through. My best friend has been inviting me to do the Tough Mudder for several years now, and I have declined all opportunities to participate. This year I caved and signed up. The sheer distance had been the major factor in my decision, but also unnerving were two of the legendary obstacles: “Walk the Plank”, a 15 foot jump into water, and “Electroshock Therapy”, where you run through active electrical wires and risk a jolt of electricity that is enough to make your knees buckle beneath you.

Race Recap: Gladiator Rock n Run

By |June 10th, 2014|

Since this was on a motocross track I already knew to expect hills. They did not disappoint. The crew took great advantage of the course topography. I also noticed many mud/water pits. The weekend before, we had torrential rainstorms that seem to have added to the course unintentionally, but with great positive effect because it made the already technical course, even more so. The competitive heat lined up in the starting gates and we received our Pre-Race announcement from Dan Clark, along with special course instructions for the competitive wave. Once complete, we were off.

I AM OCR: Rob Barger

By |June 5th, 2014|

The Death Race is a physical, mental and emotional journey. It is designed to break you, to teach you, if you’re willing, a lesson about yourself. It’s up to the individual to see the lesson in the journey. Some people will focus on the wrong things and be consumed with, “It’s not fair!” and “That person is cheating!” Others, even some first time participants, will let go of what they can’t control and not give it another thought. They will go from one task to the next with no preconception, no rating or judgment system, they will simply go. Life isn’t fair, neither is the Death Race.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.