
Race Recap: Born Survivor

By |April 14th, 2015|

Nervous chatter. Remember that? It’s the sound you heard when you walk into an OCR, and you’re surrounded by people who haven’t run many of them before. They see the obstacles, off in the distance, and wonder how they’ll do it. They hear the announcer pumping the next wave up and turn to their friends … “what the hell did you get me into?"

REALLY (really) BIG BIRD. HMM Launches DirtyBird Mud Run

By |April 13th, 2015|

The DirtyBird Mud Run will be the World’s Highest Obstacle Mud Run and is limited to the first 3,000 competitors who will get to experience the Dirty Bird Mud Run theme “It’s all downhill from here.”

Last Week in OCR: Warriors Dashed, Spartans Sprinted, and BattleFrog Battled to be the F.I.T.test

By |April 13th, 2015|

The obstacle racing season is officially in full swing! With races happening all over the United States and beyond over the weekend below are the top results from some of the races around the country.

Race Recap: Tough Mudder 2.0 SoCal

By |April 10th, 2015|

Tough Mudder 2.0 arrived in SoCal last weekend bringing along Classic Obstacles Revamped, New Obstacles, Camaraderie, Challenges, and Good old fashion OCR fun. Although, fun is an understatement . Tough Mudder is not a race but a challenge an experience like no other.

Mudderella Splashes Down in Australia

By |April 8th, 2015|

Mudderella, the world’s leading full-day athletic event series for women by women, has today announced it is coming to Australia – challenging Aussie women to get out of their comfort zone and into the mud!

Chipotle Offers a Chance to Win a Trip to Tough Mudder Australia

By |April 8th, 2015|

Chipotle Mexican Grill is offering a new, text-to win sweepstakes offering a trip to attend a Tough Mudder event in Australia. The sweepstakes announcement comes as part of Chipotle's national partnership with Tough Mudder.

Giving Back: LA Tough Mudder with Team Silent Predators

By |April 3rd, 2015|

Giving Back. Contributor Chris Cow tells the inspiring story of running with Team Silent Predator at the LA Tough Mudder helping Petty Officer Ryan Sykes, a wounded war veteran, become a Legionnaire.

Race Review: Tough Mudder Arizona

By |April 1st, 2015|

Tanya conquers Tough Mudder Arizona. Read her review of the event.

7 Questions with Bone Frog Challenge

By |March 27th, 2015|

Bone Frog Challenge kicks off their season soon in New England. We sat down with Bone Frog’s CEO Brian Carney to provide us with some insight regarding the event. Without giving away all the top secret information about the course, Brian was able to paint an amazing picture of Bone Frog’s upcoming race.

Race Recap: Polar Hero Race – Québec – March 21, 2015

By |March 25th, 2015|

My excitement level was high as I headed to Polar Hero, first, this was my first OCR in Canada, second, it marks my third country to have raced an OCR this year and lastly, this “should” be my last winter/snow on the ground race this winter!

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.