
Last Week in OCR: From Sea to Shining Sea

By |March 16th, 2015|

The obstacle racing season continued to pick up the pace over the weekend with races in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and everywhere in between. Spartan Race Hawaii kicked off their season with a stadium race, the first Bermuda Triple Challenge took place, as well as Atlas Race and BattleFrog in Texas and Florida. In addition to these races the soon to be aired ESPN Collegiate Special with BattleFrog was filmed this past weekend in Florida. Below are the scores and highlights from the weekend.

Race Recap – BattleFrog Miami

By |March 3rd, 2015|

OCRSandy travels down to Miami to race the first BattleFrog Xtreme race. Read about his experience in Miami and what the course had in store for the participants.

BattleFrog 2015: More Races, Bigger Prizes, Ranking System and New Pro-Team

By |December 17th, 2014|

BattleFrog has announced new cash prizes, new race structure, new invitational championship, and new BattleFrog Cup Series. 2015 is primed to be a huge year for this race series!

Race Recap: BattleFrog Series Miami

By |November 24th, 2014|

It’s rather hard to believe that BattleFrog’s first race ever was staged in Atlanta less than six months ago.  This was only their sixth Event, yet they already have a level of professionalism that rivals other race series that have been doing this for years.

I AM OCR: Brian Tallmadge

By |October 31st, 2014|

In early 2013 I was driving by a local farm that was hosting something called the Rugged Maniac. I didn't really have a clue what this was at the time but the billboard looked cool and I wanted to find out more.

Race Recap: BattleFrog Pennsylvania 2014

By |October 22nd, 2014|

I have been counting the days since participating in my first BattleFrog 15K in NJ (August 2, 2014) and the time was finally here! I volunteered in NJ and had a blast and gained a great deal of respect for BattleFrog, so I decided to take a PTO day from work Friday and drive to down Thursday night to volunteer all day Friday. I was offered a media pass by MRG and didn’t need to volunteer, but I made a commitment to Oscar and Lex and wanted to honor it.

BullFrog PA Kid’s Race Review

By |October 9th, 2014|

I ran a Spartan, you jumped over a few things, and you were done. The BattleFrog was way more challenging and exciting. It was more like the grown up course. It copied off of it, except there were smaller obstacles for the kids. The medals we got at the end were really cool. They had a frog with the American flag, and there were a lot of people cheering us when we got to the finish. The volunteers were really nice, and they helped a lot with anybody who needed it.

Race Recap: BattleFrog Pittsburgh

By |October 8th, 2014|

Ever since they entered the scene in the Spring of 2014, they have been everything you can could ask for in an OCR. The staff embraces everyone at every level, creating a friendly environment for everyone participating, making you feel like part of their B-Frog family.

Volunteering at BattleFrog Tri-State

By |September 19th, 2014|

After learning about BattleFrog I was thinking about going and running the course. While researching the event and obstacles I noticed the volunteer link on the BattleFrog website and checked it out. The idea of volunteering and getting to run the course for free made BattleFrog seem like a no brainier. BattleFrog would get awesome help (me) for the day and I would meet the staff, hang out with SEAL's, meet more OCR regulars, and run the course for free?

I AM OCR: Walter “Sandy” Hendrick

By |September 5th, 2014|

I hope my being completely honest can help even just one person that reads this, I truly know what it feels like to feel hopeless and helpless and not want to live life that way anymore but I promise you its better spend every day killing yourself a little than to call it quits and remember... The only easy day was yesterday, embrace your beast and always be insanely focused.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.