  • OCR news weekly

OCR News Weekly – Feb-16-2017 – Toughest Mudder Rule Changes, Spartan Race AGOGE, Urban Trials Takes Over BattleFrog Social Media and Your Race Results

By |February 16th, 2017|

OCR News Weekly recaps the top news stories from around the obstacle racing industry. This week, Tough Mudder makes changes to Toughest Mudder rules, Marena Sports partners with Conquer the Gauntlet, The Urban Trails acquires BattleFrog Social channels, Spartan Race’s AGOGE 004, and race results from around the globe.

    Victor Carrillo – Machete Madness

    By |December 30th, 2016|

    Victor Carrillo is no stranger to the world of obstacle course racing. In fact, over the last few years, he has made a name for himself and has turned his hobby into a passion and his passion into a business as the founder of Machete Madness, a group that hosts endurance events up and down the California coast and occasionally elsewhere.

      Update: China AGOGE 003 – Post Conference Call

      By |October 25th, 2016|

      Last week Mud Run Guide posted this article - Big Trouble in (Little China) Agoge 003 - written by former Agoge finisher Chris Cow. He was troubled after this personal experience didn't resemble the same event that he wrote two glowing articles about - Inside the Spartan Agoge Class 002 - and - On Leadership and Endurance. Something didn't add up in his mind.

        Big Trouble in (Little) China – Agoge 003

        By |October 20th, 2016|

        There are many different events out there, and sometimes things don't go according to plan. If Agoge 003 was a glitch that suffered from bad decision making on the ground or an overabundance of ego, then Spartan Race and the Agoge directors need to own up to that, work to make it right, and ensure that future events don't follow a similar path.

        • Spartan AGOGE China

        Are You Ready to Go Up Against the Wall?

        By |July 14th, 2016|

        Spartan Race released its latest teaser video of the upcoming AGOGE China taking place on the Great Wall of China from October 13 -16. Would you head to China to take on a Spartan Race AGOGE?

          On Leadership and Endurance

          By |July 7th, 2016|

          If you've wandered into the world of endurance, be it a GORUCK event, Spartan Hurricane Heat, Agoge, or some other iteration, then you've probably had some experience taking on a leadership role, whether by choice or nomination. A big part of the process in events like these is figuring out what works and what doesn't and how to bind a team of individuals into an effective unit.

          • Spartan Race AGOGE China

          One Spartan Race AGOGE Story – Teamwork

          By |July 4th, 2016|

          It takes a village to raise a child the saying goes, and in the case of the Spartan Race - AGOGE these same principles apply. Learn about one man's story of the support he received from Amy Palmiero-Winters at the AGOGE 002 and how even after being pulled for medical reasons he still was with Winters the whole event. Get inspired by this one story and read the inspiring account of Mud Run Guide's own Chris Cow in his AGOGE 002 experience in Pittsfield, Vermont.

            Inside the Spartan Agoge Class 002

            By |June 22nd, 2016|

            These haunting words linger in my mind in the aftermath of one of the toughest and most interesting events I've participated in; the 60h Spartan Agoge Class 002 which took place this weekend in Pittsfield, Vermont.

              The Cooldown: 007 Spartan Agoge, South Park Marathon, and weighted training for hills.

              By |June 21st, 2016|

              This week on The Cooldown episode 7 features Agoge, Rocky Mountain Marathon as well as tools to help you train in the mountains. This week is action packed. There are more things to cover in a weekend in the world of OCR and endurance than could be covered in a 5-hour show, so we just pick a couple that stood out this week. Thanks for tuning into The Cooldown, produced by Athlete On Fire.

              • Utah OCR

                Utah OCR Racer Changing Lives Through Motivational Example

                By |May 19th, 2016|

                There are very few people willing to spend hard earned cash and dedicate countless hours to physical training, with the level of enthusiasm that Mark Petersen does. This guy never quits. In fact, that’s his personal life motto. Mark Petersen does exactly what he says he will do. He loves to face conflict head on. He learns from his defeats and enjoys his victories. It is clear why Obstacle Course Racing is his sport of choice.

                Mud Run Guide
                Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.