The Original Mud Run obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more

Since 1999 – The ORIGINAL National Mud Run Adventure Race Series. Mud, Music, Food, 30+ Obstacles, Beer, More Music, Crazy Costumes, After Party, Teams…built by former Marines!
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The Original Mud Run Reviews from the Community
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Horribly Managed
I would avoid this race at all costs. Everything you are told in the Mud Run Production emails is a LIE! My husband and daughter ran in the kids run. Website says it’s 1-1.25 miles. LIE!!! It took them 50 minutes to complete. It’s at least 2 miles if not more.
You are told you will receive a T-shirt, wristband, and the kids receive a medal. LIE!! My daughter received no t-shirt and there were no medals handed out at the end.
You are told there will be beer and food trucks on site and that adults who finish the race will receive 1 free beer. LIE!!! Not one food truck, no beer truck, and you guessed free beer for my hubby. Couldn’t even buy one. Ya know...cuz there was no beer truck.
You are told there will be water stations on the course. LIE!!! Not one. For a 2+ mile kids run. I don’t know may wanna keep the kiddos hydrated. Just a thought.
Speaking of water. While I waited for my daughter, husband and all of her friends to finish the race I noticed that there was no water in any of the orange jugs at the end of the race. I went and told the woman working the t-shirt stand that all the kids were about to finish and there was no water. She was completely put out by this news. I stood there for a while until the guy directing the race rode up on his 4 wheeler. She told him and he said “We just filled up a jug.” I told him it was empty. His wife came went with a bag of ice and begrudgingly filled up one jug. I couldn’t believe it. All these kids are about to finish and you are upset and that you have to provide water for them?!?
Can we talk about the guy running this whole event. He is on a 4 wheeler running all over the place to make things happen. He has ZERO communication method with his workers. No one has a walkie talkie. If he needs something he has to drive to the person to tell them. This did not set well with me because what if someone gets hurt? The EMTs were there, but they were camped up at the race entrance chillin. If someone got hurt the director guy would have to race up there on his 4 wheeler to let them know someone needed help. Most of the workers are ROTC volunteers and let me tell you, they have no clue what is going on. The ONLY person who can answer your questions is the dude on the 4 wheeler and good luck catching him. He needs to open up his wallet and hire some seriously qualified help. Can’t do it all yourself dude. You just can’t.
You are told that there will be showers and “changing tents”. Well, let me tell you how this really goes. Approximately 1/2 mile from the finish there are “showers,” which are really just metal poles suspended overhead with about 15 holes drilled into them with the weakest water pressure you can imagine. It takes forever to get the Mud off with these “showers”. And yes, you read that right. They are 1/2 mile from the finish line. In fact, you run past them on the course and then have to back track down into a field to get clean. It was miserable. The “changing tents” are 2 small tents with no walls whatsoever. It was a complete joke and my 12 year old was horrified that she had to change in front of all those people with mommy and daddy holding towels around her. And believe me you get plenty muddy so you can’t just hop in your car and go home. There is no where to be modest and change without everyone in your business. I can’t believe this Mud Run is allowed to even exist with those standards. You are told over and over not to litter but there is not ONE trash can near the showers to throw away your clothes/shoes/socks. If you do this horribly planned race you better bring plenty of privacy towels and a trash bag.
Oh and please don’t believe they hype about picking your packet up the day before. We got it the day of the race and were just fine.
My daughter had a pretty decent time running with her friends, but my husband said some of the obstacles were a bit too much for kids and felt there should be people onsite to offer assistance to those who just can’t do it. (Notably, the obstacle with the ravine with a rotten log that people have to walk across that is wobbly and dangerous.). She was definitely over it when she had to change clothes in front of God and everyone.
My best advice. Skip this poorly managed race that is nothing but a money grab.
Just Don’t.
There’s a reason this race holds zero credibility in the OCR community. Do your homework.
not bad
Wasn't bad, until duck hunters were shooting over us during the mud run. Maybe that's normal for some people, but I don't like guns. I can't believe they had us running through a duck pond on opening day of duck season. How hard is it to check the calendar? I will never sign up with this group again!
OCR Reality
dennis townsend, Victoria D and Eric, There are no races I am aware of that offer refunds once registered. The May 28 Houston race was not canceled it was POSTPONED because Houston experienced the worst flood they have seen in 500 years and all runners were given opportunities to transfer to any race if unable to attend. Most people understood this, applauded the organizers concern for safety first and appreciated the race not just being cancelled. Obviously a few felt it necessary to disregard the tremendous loss of life and flood water in the area and be more concerned about their $50. The race organization rebuilt the entire course in 3 weeks having had it be destroyed by the flood. Reviews can sometimes be misleading because the come from people who really don't think about the reasons things happen in real life and remain concerned only with a self-interested world devoid of concern for others and lacking actual facts or relevant information. Mud Run in the least expensive race in its genre, the race is timed but only in the competitive division so if you want to be timed you have an option, the 33 obstacles are by far superior in number and also in quality compared to the 2x4 and cheap plastic (see for examples) seen at the races mentioned, if you don't like a small wait at ONE obstacle during the faster and you can get to it first...otherwise don't whine, and finally beer was there for everyone who finished so this statement is just blatantly false. Contact organizers directly if you have any issues and they are always willing to explain, are very accommodating and consistently organized and helpful.
Not worth the money
Their are better events out their that offer more for better or similar prices.
Poor Event
1st - The price is outrageous for what is provided. Also their is no refunds if they change the date at last minute
2nd - The obstacles are very poor compared to other events that have the same price tag.
3rd - Their is alot of waiting involed due to the obstacles being very small and not spaced
4th - The gear and hype in general and very low
Waste of Money
They swiched the date of race the day before the race to June 18th and refuseed to give refunds. I paid to run on may 28th not June 18th. So their for I should be offered a refund. Also for the price they charge you their are not any impressive and innovative obstacles.
Your better off doing Conqure The Gauntlet, Savage Race, or the Spartan Race
Course was OK, but the event was poorly organized, delayed, and not timed. The real kicker was that the beer truck left before a majority of the participants finished.
Good Race
Sometimes I think some of these reviews are other race organizations trying to make races look bad. I thought it was fun! Lots of obstacles, mud was cool. Ropes crossings were tough! Don't believe all you read. I would do it again especially the new course they are building in Dallas.
Boring run through a cow pasture. I would not pay $70 plus parking to participate in this event again. Poorly managed overall.