Terrain Racing obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more

Terrain Racing challenges you both physically and mentally with over 20 obstacles! Choose a 5k or 10k option, and after your race party at the finish line with friends, family, mud and views of the obstacles you just conquered! You’ll be proud when you finish your race with us. You’ll sweat. You’ll get dirty. You and your friends will have the time of your life.
Make terrain Your race, Conquer Your Terrain!
Kid's races vary in distance and age categories from location to location, so be sure to check our website for more information on Terrain Mud Runs for the whole family!
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As we now know there was a pandemic WORLD WIDE. Unfortunately, this organization did NOTHING to refund anyone's payment when they cancelled their event in 2020. No notification, no refunds, no being a sympathetic to people being out money when they lost jobs and money was tight. I even contacted them about it and according to them its in the fine print rain or shine no refunds. Excuse me?! Hello?! it was a PANDEMIC!!! which I am SURE was not in the bylaws of fine print. I was emaile back that I could apply it to a furture date. I asked what if I die from Covid before then? To which I was basically informed I was SOL.
Fast forward two years later, they are doing another event. Yes I received the email for that but did they say anything about my registration fees they said I could apply to a future event. This event is NOT CHEAP for 3 people. Yes its a beginners course which is fine but this was a fun family event. Who wants to do business with a unsympathetic company during a pandemic, refuses to refund money, offers for a future date but doesn't reach out to its consumers who already paid. They just want your MOENY $$$$$$ DONT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM!! They FORCED me to give them 1 star, but in reality I'd give them ZERO STARS.
Definitely a race for beginners, or kids. Keep low expectations, and you'll be alright. Not much for sponsorship, or organization. Easier obstacles, very little direction from staff. This event went untimed due to weather, which was questionable. A far cry from a Spartan or Savage race. Be careful when signing up to not get stuck with a 1 year free membership from Active.com or you'll be paying an $80 renewel fee.
Worst OCR I've done
I had watched the 2018 race on Youtube and it looked awesome!! I signed up knowing the extra fees, so I'm not gonna bitch about that. The course was NOWHERE NEAR what the 2018 course was like. It felt more like a kids mud run if anything.
I have to randomly click on the event website to find out it has been cancelled? Or maybe postponed? Hard to say since the website states both. No email notification of changes. I get it with the current world situation, things are touch and go, but to cancel 3 months out and not notify, attempt to postpone, or even attempt at a refund??? Seems to be a common theme in these reviews of the no refund policy. Joke of a race direction company if you ask me. Far from "free", and even farther from getting me a second time around
Dallas / Fort WorthMarch 2020
What a rip off!
I have never been disappointed with a race company until now.
My family of four showed up at Texas Motor Speedway for our first OCR event of the year. Right away we are hit with a $20 fee to park, kind of steep, but okay. We park, get in line to pick up our packets, only to find out it's going to cost us anther $5/each to pick up the packets. Has anyone ever heard of paying to pick up your packet for a race you already paid for?!?
We ended up paying the additional $20 for the packets. I didn't even bother to check the bag, but I'm sure if I paid to check it, I would have had to pay to pick it up too! I asked to speak to the race director and was told he wasn't even on site.
The obstacles were only okay, but the biggest challenge was staying on the poorly marked course!
Don't waste your money on this worthless 5K. After being nickel and dime you'll spend the same amount on a much higher quality race.
Waste of money
Don’t waste your money.
Price: says free but not really after you pay for the waiver, donation, parking, day of race check in fee. They will nickel & dime you. Would be better if they just charge a higher rate.
Location/Race: horrible, running on rocks the whole time.
Obstacles: just okay
Don’t waste your time or money
Money Machine
Pretty much a money maker. Site is vague on actual cost, so I contacted the organizer for info:
$1 donation
$20 parking
$14 insurance and fee
$17 registration fee (kicks back to organizer)
They state registration is $40 but waived if registered before a certain date. That date constantly gets moved later and later just to pressure people into registering. It's a horrible tactic...The race is okay I'm sure, but the registration and profit tactics wreak of 1970's used car sales.
Not Worth it! Very disorganize. Mostly running a gravel road with a few obstacles even the mud dried up. I personally got a deep stab on the palm of my hand while dragging myself under a heavy net in a multitude (hundreds) of safety pins that where on the ground from other racers dragging their bibs there. I warned the personnel, and got the most I don't give a s@$%t look. I was shocked, they didn"t do anything and many others got hurt. I also found myself getting of course to chase personnel on golf carts for water for my kids because all the water station were empty and unattended.Btw they'll nickel and dime you once your there. Never again!
This was my first obstacle course race ever. I drove 5 hours and had a blast. I am actually looking forward to particapating in another one in Fort Worth, Texas because of how much fun it was. Since this was a goal I had when I turned 50, completed it at 51 was an awesome experiance. I was very pleased that I felt no pressure on anything. No punichment work if I couldnt complete and obstacle, had help when I ask for it. Just a very laid back experiance. I would recommand this for anyone older or starting out. There were long lines to get into the venue and parking was $20 and packet pick up was $5 but all fees were advertised well in advance so I knew exactly how much cash to have on hand. Overall it really was an great experiance and I'm ready to takcle the next one!
Alarming safety issues/Injuries
I went into race not expecting a lot and wasn't bothered by the disorganization. But the safety issues were surprising. There were no volunteers or race officials for long stretches of the course and at some obstacle stations. The cargo net wall was very rickety and difficult to grasp metal bars since the previous obstacle was the mud pit. Someone had apparently fallen from the top onto their back earlier in the race and been taken to hospital. I would not recommend this race.