Pretty Muddy obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more

Pretty Muddy was started by a couple of businessmen who were inspired by their wives – their pretty cool wives. Watching their partners juggle kids, households, carpools and careers – while still having time for the ocvcasional ladies' night – got the men thinking:
These awesome women deserve more time for themselves. Time for balance and time to be themselves without their families. Because even the greatest mom, businesswoman, or grandma sometimes needs time that is just her own.
Like those pretty cool wives, today's women are looking for a way to get together and focus on friendship, hun and fitness – without their significant others, their kids and the stress of the daily grind.
With the help of their wives and an incredible team of creatve and motivated people, the two businessmen create an inaugural series of events called Pretty Muddy.
More than a mud run, it's an exciting women-only event where you can let down your hair and have fun! And that's pretty awesome.
Why run through 5k of outdoor terrain, scale obstacles, and get covered in more mud than you kids will bring home all summer?
Why recruit your frineds for an exciting experience?
Why take on a challenge you've never done before and leave knowing you could do it again? Why do something for you for a change?
Why run a Pretty Muddy? Why wouldn't you?
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Pretty Muddy Reviews from the Community
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Pretty Muddy is a good beginner's OCR. I recommend it to all of my girlfriend's that have any questions about OCRs. Reasons for this include there are no men out there for them to be intimidated by and the "obstacles" are a good taste of what to expect. The Pretty Muddy reminded me of my High School Cross Country days with a few fun stops along the way. The first was a large inflatable slide that ends in a pit of mud. There were also small walls to climb over and under, tires to maneuver through (think football drills), ropes to climb under, and a large foam bath to run through. The final obstacle at the end was a large mud pit with tape to crawl under. This turned into mud wrestling as our team went through. You get the requisite beer at the end, but they also had a Zumba instructor out there giving classes for those interested and a few games set up as well. Bottom line - Have no expectation going in, but consider this as a way to induct those that are afraid of mud into our lifestyle. Four of my friends have come over to the OCR world after the Pretty Muddy. So, Gateway OCR?
change race area
Never done a mud run. Was very excited about doing this race in Tampa area. NO letter or email sent out saying they where changing the location to Orlando area. This would be a 2.5 hour drive for a race. They didn't give you the option for a refund for moving the race. Guess they have to make their money someplace by ripping of people. Will never sign up for another one.
As much as I enjoy running with the girls, going through obstacles and getting muddy, there are several items that bothered me during this race.
1. Registration - I registered early at the $67 rate as a team captain. My team members who signed up for a living social deal a couple weeks before the race paid $69. The difference, they got a t-shirt included and I didn't. I've gone to several obstacle mud runs this year and it's the first one (and most expensive) that didn't include a T-shirt.
2. Parking - Fee not included in race fee is another $10 - yeah enough said. Parking is 2 miles from the event so you have to take a hay ride too and from the parking lot.
3. Beer ticket - I love a good beer after the race, and Coors Light is not a 'Good Beer' If I wanted the good Cream Ale they were offering I would have had to pay for it instead.
4. Vehicles on the trail - during the run, twice we had to move off trail to let Pickup trucks pass.. Really?? You can't wait until we are done to drive on the trail??
5. The website listed private rinsing area and changing rooms. Actually, rinsing area was public so if you thought you were going to be able to disrobe and rinse there, you are sorely mistaken. Private changing rooms only.
6. Merchandise tent - 5 workers but only one authorized to check you out.. can you say bottle neck?
Good points about this run - 3 miles, 12 easy obstacles, and fun with your girls. I won't do it again for the cost involve (1.25 hour car ride one way, $67.50 entrance fee, $10.00 parking fee, and yeah I wanted a t-shirt so I bought one), but I can say I've done it.
Skips the Basic for this Price Point - Dissappointed
A bit disappointed in my race experience today, and sort of wanted to share with you all. I did the Pretty Muddy 5K here in Richmond. Registration was $69. It's an all woman race with mud pits, obstacles etc. Well.. first, some pros: I liked that it was all women, the obstacles were fun and not too hard, they had warm water hoses to wash off with at the end, changing tents, a small finisher medal (not specific to the location just a generic one) and beer. But, the cons: It was additional $10 to park at the state park for the event (bringing total cost to nearly $80, most races your parking is included and the race company sorts that into their venue contract), there was no race shirt (unless you paid LESS for your registration through Living Social and then you got one), and no post race snacks or hydration, they did have a merchandise tent set up (but it cost $6 for a bandana, $19 for a tank, $25 for a shirt... needless to say I didn't buy any of those..) If you want a race that skips ALL of the basics normally provided at a race at that price point, then it might be the race for you. I never thought I would be a "race snob" but this might be that moment.. I've run half marathons that cost less and gave better tangible and intangible benefits than this race. It's easy to tell that Pretty Muddy is more about making money than they are about encouraging the love of running.
Should've been called Pretty Dusty
So first I'd like to say to my team, "Booya Buddies" I give you 5 team and being with my daughter during the race was what made it fun. Altough the staff was friendly and helpful; the race was, for a lack of better words...boring....and until the end there was barely any mud! This race was called Pretty Muddy; so I expected LOTS of mud and obstacles. (the photos on the website were decieving) There was no music along the way (which has been my experience in other races) so it was hard to stay pumped up with large gaps in obstacles. And then when you came to was just mud? Finally towards the end there were 2-3 back to back obstacles with mud...however by that time our excitement was gone and it was a little to late. They should've spread those out. So over all it wasn't an awful experience but I don't thnk I would do Pretty Muddy again...sorry guys
Lacked mud in the obstacles until the very end. Crawling under and through obstacles on gravel/dirt not mud prior to the great mud at the end.