Panic In The Dark obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more

Panic in the Dark is The Original Nightmare Obstacle Run! Runners wear headlamps as they head out into the Dark of Night. What awaits the runners is a world that has only been visited in your worst nightmares and favorite horror flicks! Zombies swarm the course with intentions of eating every bit of flesh that dares run this course! Be ready to run, be scared and maybe even be Dinner!
Upcoming Panic In The Dark Events
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Panic In The Dark News & Featured Reviews
Panic In The Dark Reviews from the Community
Average rating: 4 / 5 from 1 reviews.
(Scroll up to see a list of upcoming events for Panic In The Dark)
(Scroll up to see a list of upcoming events for Panic In The Dark)