OCR World Championships obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more

The OCRWC is the first truly independent global championship for the burgeoning sport of Obstacle Course Racing. It is a singular independent event created to unify, promote, and increase participation in the sport of OCR while celebrating its amazing athletes and community.
Featuring both an individual and team race, the OCRWC delivers everything you love about Obstacle Course Racing in one amazing weekend.
All Obstacle Course Racing World Championship individual competition participants must qualify for the event by meeting the criteria outlined here at ONE of these 2015 races. Athletes are required to submit proof of results at the time of registration.
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OCR World Championships Reviews from the Community
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OCRWC 2016 Review
I didn't run the previous two editions in Ohio, but I was blown away by the venue and atmosphere at the OCRWC in Blue Mountain, ON. The course didn't have any water obstacles, but it would have been hard to plan for those given some recent races where it ended up being too cold. Not the case for the Saturday race, however, as it was about 75*F and perfect racing conditions. The hills were the hardest part. My calves locked up from all the climbing, making some of the obstacles at the end of the race more difficult. Still, there were a good amount of variety in the obstacles and I thought everything (aside from maybe the mini-rig!) was pretty fair and well policed by the volunteers. The scenery was spectacular and I kept finding myself looking out over Nottawasaga Bay and the Blue Mountain community. Happy to say I finished with my band, and I look forward to qualifying and taking part in this event next year. Would be happy to see it return to this venue!
OCRWC Takeaways
Very much enjoyed the OCR event, first class event which was organized extremely well. Although I am very new to OCR (3 OCR meets prior to OCRWC beginning in July) I have competed in many USA and IAAF track events as well as international MMA competitions.
A couple of takeaways and lessons learned:
1.May want to consider posting volunteers/officials along the course in key areas where an athlete could “cut” the course. (ex. Any place were an athlete would have to return over the same area, or if by jumping a barrier would put them further down along the course)
2.Instead of cutting wrist bands, you may want to cut an athlete’s timing chip if they failed to complete an obstacle. By not completing a mandatory obstacle, an athlete is thereby “DQ’d” from awards or prizes. I have never been in a competition were a DQ’d athlete was allowed to post a time.
Thank you once again for a tremendous event. Volunteers, Meet Organizers, and the Ohio community were great!
1st International Race
This was an awesome event with some very new elements for us South Africans to experience! Not knowing the strengths of your competitors or the terrain to be raced on were some of the main things for me... The terrain covered on the race was amazing, unlike anything we have in South Africa but although it was very tough it was awesome to run on. The race organisation, marshals and route marking as great! With the obstacles I loved the variety and large number of obstacles, just with the harder obstacles I think you should definitely distinguish different routes/rules between the men and women as I don't see it as fair for the elite men to be competing against each other with ladies obstacles as then they arn't challenging or limiting. I think it was sufficiently difficult for the women but think there should be more difficult routes for the men and and then things like the monkey bars the men can't use their feet for example. Besides the difficulty of the obstacles it was an awesome event and really loved every minute of it, especially that slide!!! Really looking forward to next year :D
This past weekend was a life changing moment for me. And being a betting person, likely life changing for everyone who participated. I won't try to explain it, I can't. It was different than any Obstacle race I've ever done. The intense atmosphere of what was ahead for each of us, the grit and will in each racers eyes.... it was almost as if you could feel it and touch it. The hair on the back on my neck was tingling every minute I spent on the grounds at the OCRWC. AMAZING is all I can say. Thank you for the experience and thank you for the memory. AS for the course, it was difficult but fair. The running and the crawling up hills was separated in perfect distances by world class obstacles. Not once did I say, "That was an annoying obstacle", which I say at other races often. A true test whether you are an Elite sponsored athlete or an amateur like me. Sign me up for life!
F-ing Awesome
This event was my second OCR and I loved every second of this experience. This race was truly an obstacle course race - no gimmicks, no nonsense, and let me say it again f-ing awesome!
From the moment I saw the flags at the starting line, the volunteers pushing/cheering for us, and hearing my name as I crossed the finish line, October 25, 2014 was (after my wedding day and birth of two children) the best life experience to date.
I have one suggestion for 2015. I feel that anyone that completed the 2014 OCRWC course as an individual, penalty free, should automatically qualify for 2015. Not sure how the innovators of the 2014 OCRWC can do more! Great job!
1st OCR ever & loved it.
Having to be play volleyball at a high level, I would never see myself doing a lot of cardio. I really wanted to challenge myself mentally and physically if I could do this.
This was my first OCR I have ever done in my life. I've only watched my girl friend participate in these types of races and told myself how can I do that. I can't run 14km. So in the past couple of months, I've trained at a facility called Alpha Obstacle Training in Toronto. My girl friend April got me to come out and was it ever difficult. Kept going and felt really good. Canceled my good life membership and went to alpha more often. Soon when OCRWC came, I joked around and decided to do this.
I must say, watching the first day seeing people go through pain made me realize I don't know what I got myself into. Seeing people fail at the platinum rig made me realized how they made the best well rounded athletes to place. I was really happy to see that the name World Championship was what results showed.
Not only on the course was amazing, having to walk around and seeing the various vendors, I must say, thank you for having the best smoothies and soups around. Please have them back and more!
In terms of my experience of the race. I had one goal and was to complete all the obstacles and have fun with it. At every station the volunteers were great. I did every obstacle in one try and realized my ninja talents at sloth climbing and wall jumping. Having competing as a team, I really enjoyed how we helped each other strive through the daunting hikes and made me realize it's not about failing, it's about giving your all and if you regress you need to progress and continue with the course.
Lastly, this was well organized event, amazed at all the countries that showed up, made lots of new friends, can't wait till next year and now I begin my training to do better than I did this weekend. I will compete in the individual competition and team next year!
Thank you OCRWC!
The OCR World Championships was an amazing event held in a fantastic location. The venue at Kings Domain was not only breaktaking but incredibly challenging as well. The technical proficiency needed to navigate the course was an obstacle in itself. The terrain at the OCRWC venue challenged you every step of the way.
The staff for the event and the volunteers were great. Everyone had a smile on their face and did all they could to help make our race weekend one of kind.
The only thing I would change would be to wait until Sunday morning to attach the yellow team band. Just a thought.
Thank you for such an incredible weekend. We will see you next year.
Best OCR Event
This was the most challenging OCR event I've ever done and one of the best assembled events with incredible athletes from around the world. It challenged us physically and mentally from the start until the finish. Truly an epic event, and hope it returns to Mud, Guts, and Glory in Ohio!
Setting the Bar
Simply put, the OCRWC brought it all. Many positive reviews have been written about it, and I couldn't agree with them more. A first-class event run by great people guided by solid principles. The only two areas for improvement in my mind were the course maps and the number of port-o-potties. I look forward to the growth of this event in future years!
Incredible Course
The guys at OCRWC put so much into creating a true World Championship and it showed. The obstacles were creative, well designed, and absolutely challenging! The terrain was diverse and technical. The were very organized and then whole event was very well run, from the athlete check-in the night before, to the wave start times running on schedule, friendly and helpful volunteers, and great vendors. I was also impressed by the caliber of athletes racing. This is the race I'll have in mind when I'm training.