Muddy Mammoth obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more
Do you think you are ready to take the Muddy Mammoth challenge? Do you have what it takes to conquer approximately 3.1 miles of rough, rugged terrain?
Upcoming Muddy Mammoth Events
We don't know of any upcoming events for Muddy Mammoth. You can check out our list of past events and reviews below, or if you know of an upcoming race, add it to our calendar!
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Muddy Mammoth Reviews from the Community
Average rating: 5 / 5 from 1 reviews.
(Scroll up to see a list of upcoming events for Muddy Mammoth)
(Scroll up to see a list of upcoming events for Muddy Mammoth)
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Need Info
I did the Muddy Mammoth in 2015. This is not a review but I would like to know if the Muddy Mammoth is scheduled for 2019. We have a 5k team at work and we're trying to plan our calendar for the next year. I'd love to include the Muddy Mammoth as one of our events. Thank you!