Mogollon Monster Mudder obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more

This is a mud run with over 30 different obstacles that will take place on a 5k course. We have added several new and more challenging obstacles this year so get ready now! This course has various different grades where you will climb and descend. Some of the terrain is rocky and undulating. There will be components of the races where you will have to jump, run, crawl, swim etc. It is fun for the whole family.
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Mogollon Monster Mudder Reviews from the Community
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Impressive!! I've done 5 TM's in various States a WD and RM, this is by far the Best!! Amazing volunteers, tons of water mud and obstacles!Perhaps more towns should do this and keep the profits locally!
We had an amazing time doing this race today! The weather was hot but we barely noticed because there was so much water and mud! Only our second ocr l, but seriously this was absolutely so much fun and pretty challenging! There were so many obstacles that the 5k seemed to fly by! There were so many water stations that were very helpful! Payson should be very proud of what they create! We are moving from Arizona but definitely plan to come back next year!
Being my first mud run and being 57 years young, I was very intimidated. I had an amazing time, finished in just over an hour. The volunteers were very friendly and helpful, even giving me a boost on one of the walls.I am hooked, can't wait for the next one! Well done!
What an amazing time we had last year at the Mogollon Monster Mudda. This Mud run is truly the best mud run in Arizona...that includes the big boys. If you want to have lots of fun this is the one to do. It has 40+ obstacles. The weather is amazing, the course is very well laid out and the staff is awesome! If you are planning on running a mud run this year this is the one I would strongly suggest. I know I will be there!
Best in AZ
This is the best mud run in the state. Don't let anybody tell you different. If you want lots (40+) of unique obstacles, intelligently spaced design, and a challenge, then this is the one for you. Plus, MMM is local and not national...who doesn't love that?!? If you only have the time/money to choose one per year and/or you're a first timer wondering which mud run represents the sport, don't hesitate on Mogollon.
Ready to go again!
The Mogollon Monster Mudder was my first mud run, after that I was hooked! I have completed several other mud runs since then and come back each year to see what new and challenging obstacles are on the course to conquer. What I love about the Mogollon Monster Mudder is that the obstacles are tough enough to challenge a competitive athlete but the camaraderie among participants allows people of all ages and fitness levels to join in on the fun. The volunteers along the trail are encouraging and motivating. The trail run makes great use of the natural terrain and the amount of obstacles will test your limits. This is a great family event! Working as a team with friends or family is such a great way to create memories, plus that exhilarating feeling when you cross the finish line, WOW! It keeps me coming back for more.
Awesome course!
Here is are my thoughts on the event overall:
When we all signed up, the price seemed really high but we all wanted to get out of town during a hot time of year and get up into the mud at a higher elevation. When we got there the parking was FREE (bonus!) and we could go back and forth freely the whole time without question. So far, we're happy because that saves about $10.
We got to the registration and it's one huge, confused line that has no idea there's 3 different registration lines based on your last name. Having done this many times, we walked ahead of everyone and just got in line for our last names. At this point, people began questioning what we were doing and realized the process. There were a few volunteers standing around chatting that could have informed the long line of people that they need to be in the correct line. Once we did get up front, they hand us a waiver that we need to fill out right there which in turn keeps the line from moving. The wait was fairly long for a simple process. Next year, the need a spot for people to fill out completed waivers before getting into the correct line. This will speed things up big time.
At this point we're handed a timing chip on a huge bracelet and told not to lose it or we owe them $85. This was new to everyone and not very popular. We were also issued a plain yellow bib with a number and bag check tag below. They were cheap and had nothing on them that was unique to the event. At least the shirt was nice but everyone got a light blue shirt. At this time we're told we're in heat 12 which is about a 3 hour wait and they're running behind.
We get to the start line and the announcer keeps dropping advertising pitches on us and is obviously a rodeo announcer and not a hype man we are used too. He was professional and made a few good jokes but it was a very mellow way to start the race. There was no gun or cannon to signify the start so the announcer just counted down from 10 and off we went.
The obstacles came at us fast and furious! The ground was very muddy and slippery from all of the rain so traction was tough. That first big log wall was followed by a nice dunk in the water to get us soaked right off the bat. We proceeded to run through a maze of ropes (very cool), climb a wall, pull a car tire through the mud then we got dunked and dunked and dunked again swimming under obstacles. Now, we're carrying sandbags but we have to go under water with them to get under the obstacles. Well played there! Now were actually getting a little winded! From here we climbed a huge hill only to see a 150 foot lake to swim through! Next up was more muddy conditions and a few logs to walk on. It was tougher than it looked when they rolled out from underneath your feet.
We found our first water station with some very friendly volunteers. After hoping a fence and going through the woods, we hoped another fence and down into a drainage tunnel. This was long, dark and got smaller as you went inside. Our backs and hips were burning! Once again, we're in the water swimming. from here we head up into the woods for some excellent cross country running and drop down into some super thick mud that was stealing shoes and trapping people in it. This was THICK, heavy mud. Then we crawl under a fence that was so low to the ground, I barely fit. Then it was mud, fence, mud then running into another dunk pit. That mud was so heavy but after the water, we were running down a stream.
We come across hill which has us sliding down into the muddy water only to get out, and go through the tubes with a 10 foot drop into a muddy pond! Awesome!!! Now, we start the running. We hit another water station then head into the hills for some cool technical running and climbing rocks. As we were coming down through the woods, we could hear the super blown speaker while trying to not slip in the mud.
After a water break we head into the Coliseum Of Terror and I loved the lay out. The stands had a lot of people in it cheering on the runners and the obstacles piled up on us fast. After running the bleachers 8 times, we have to navigate a crazy, long maze of cables which were well placed and difficult at times. Now it's on to the 4 cowboys with those ramming pads. While I appreciated their attempt to block me, their technique wasn't all that good and they were cleared fast. Now it's up and over gates, back in the water to go under obstacles, the monkey bars, various walls, more water, a single rope walk and finally, through the tires to the finish line. Oh...I forgot the Chute Of Misery. It was easy at first until that water rolled back and crushed you. This was the toughest obstacle by far and it took all your energy to get out of it. I was cashed after this and still had more obstacles to go.
Overall, this course was amazing. The obstacles kept coming, the water hazards were so much fun, the mud was everywhere and we were exhausted when we finished. The had a water and a medal for us when it was over.
A few more things that kept this from getting 5 stars: Bud Light at the beer garden? Where was the local brewery love we always get? Bad form! The showers were very few and barely worked. Those should have been rocking and the run off should have fed an obstacle. The medals were pretty small but good looking.
A few random things we loved: The staff was very friendly! There were volunteers all over the course and safety officials everywhere in case someone got hurt. The rodeo setting was perfect as well and the announcer was actually very good and made runners feel like rockstars when he would comment on us. Finally, there really was no wait at any obstacle because of the size of the heats. That was great!
We're looking forward to next year and I hope they read this. The infrastructure needs work as the course was one of the best I've ever done. See you in 2016!
*disclaimer - some of my recollection of obstacles may be out of order and I apologize. I was having too much fun to remember everything!
Ready for the Mogollon Monster Mudder
Just signed up for this much anticipated Mud Run. Over 30 obstacles and I hear it is closer to 40. I have never heard of a mud run with this many obstacles. My sister did it last year and she said it was intense. They are not kidding when they say it is the "Mudda of all Mud runs". So looking forward to it.
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This event is worth it!
For all of you that are considering doing a mud run in Arizona this year, I just want to tell you that this one is a must. It is very well laid out, the surroundings are just breathtaking and they do all the little things to make it great. They have music, beer garden, awesome obstacles, great volunteers. I am from Phoenix and I have done a lot of these races. I would have to give this one a 5 out of 5 stars. You will not be disappointed. Payson is only 75 miles from the east valley. Do it you will love it!
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WOW...this thing looks awesome. 30 obstacles. Can't wait!
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