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Laughlin Nevada Tough Mudder Classic 10 Mile & 5K 2021

November 21, 2021

Laughlin Events Center

2121 S Casino Dr, Laughlin, NV, United States


November 21, 2021

Race Start Time:

The first start group will vary according to the event, usually between 8am and 9am. Individuals can request a particular start time when registering, and team captains will decide the start time for their team. We ask you to show up 2 hours before your official start time, which you will recieve via email 1-2 weeks prior to your event. There are typically 10-15 start groups running every 20 minutes. The time of the first start group will vary according to the event.


Laughlin Events Center
2121 S Casino Dr
Laughlin, NV, United States - View Map

Distance & Course Length:

5K Course - 3 Miles, 13 Obstacles
Classic Course - 8-10 Miles, 25 Obstacles


Tough Mudder

779 Past Events, 0 other upcoming races


Average rating: 3.97 / 5 from 70 reviews.

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Who’s Attending?

Let people know you are attending by sharing on Facebook and adding it to your MRG profile, or by entering your email.

Cost & Pricing:

Classic Cost5K CostUntil
$189$89Friday Before Race (Online Registration Closes)
$199$109Race Weekend Registration

The Tougher Mudder wave is an additional $30

A new, no questions asked, 48-hour window to request a refund after purchase. After that window, refunds are only offered in very specific circumstances.
AS ALWAYS: If you are seriously tough, and you want to enter both days, register for both and then email us at We will give you a 50% discount for the second day!
There is a mandatory $10 insurance fee with your registration.

What You Get / What's Included:

  • Tough Mudder Shirt
  • Hard-Earned Beer
  • Tough Mudder FInisher Medal (only for those who do the Tougher Mudder first wave)
  • Tough Mudder Headband
  • Bragging Rights
  • Free photography
  • A spot in Mudder Nation


Course Description:

We’re back baby! Our course in Laughlin is a classic and this time we are bringing all the new bells and whistles to turn this desert into an oasis of mud.

Classic Course - Epic is an understatement. We’re pulling out all the stops for this return to our badass roots making 2021 a season to remember. Tough Mudder Classic is one 8-10 mile loop of mud-soaked mayhem loaded with 25 best-in-class obstacles, including 10 new or updated 2021 obstacles on Every. Single. Course. That’s right - double-digit innovation and more obstacles than ever, for maximum limit-testing. This is is your chance to get outside your comfort zone, discover what you’re made of, and cross that finish line stronger than you started.

5K Course - This is no ordinary fun run. Tough Mudder 5K is an experience with around 13 epic obstacles over 3 miles - and it’s coming to a Tough Mudder weekend near you. Welcome to a teamwork-focused, obstacle-crammed event topped off by the most epic Mudder Village After Party your Instagram feed has ever seen. Kick back with live entertainment, epic games and challenges, authentic local food, free beer, and a never-ending supply of Mudder Nation camaraderie. Tough Mudder 5K is untimed, so there’s no pressure, no judgement and no need to train. It’s a like-minded community of people who’ve chosen to do something different with their weekend, make new friends, make memories - and have the time of their lives doing it.

We will not release actual course details until two weeks before the event. (What, did you think we were going to give it away now?). Stay on your toes and keep training for all possible challenges – you might not know exactly what we have in store for you, but you can bank on plenty of mud, ice, fire, and electric shocks. We intend to make you earn that coveted orange headband…and the ice cold beer waiting for you at the finish line.
Being a Mudder is all about taking on the obstacles in your life and the enourmous sense of accomplishment that you feel when you overcome them. During the off season, we spent countless hours holed up in our Obstacle Innovation Lab with one mission: bringing you unique, exhilarating, never-before-seen obstacles with an emphasis on teamwork and adrenaline-inducing fun. In addition to some brand-spanking-new editions, we’ve also revamped and redefined our classical favorites. To get a taste of the types of mental, physical, and emotional challenges that a Tough Mudder course will put you through, here is a list of some obstacles you may encounter at a Tough Mudder:
Dead Ringer - Upper body strength. Hand-eye coordination. Rhythm and focus. You’re gonna need ‘em all to transverse this studded structure. A Legionnaire-exclusive obstacle, Dead Ringer requires Mudders to sideways climb along a series of ascending and descending pegs using heavy-duty rings. Miss the mark and brace for the ground below. Too tough for you the first time around? Try again next course.
ShawShanked - Get your Andy Dufresne on and take on the slow, steady crawl through an inclined, mud-infested (yes, it’s only mud) tube leading out to a backwards drop into a water pit. Grip the rope dangling from the top of the tube and slide your way toward the light at the end of the tunnel.
Birth Canal - Don’t worry, no birthday suits necessary. Forcing Mudders to crawl under a deceptively heavy, water-filled liner, Birth Canal is as deceivingly tough as it is physically challenging. As Mudders pass through this obstacle, the water pushing down above them forces them to push back up and keep moving toward daylight
Beached Whale - As immovable as its namesake, Beached Whale is a 12-foot tall, 18-foot deep, 30-foot wide inflatable monstrosity that requires Mudders to strategically form a human pyramid to reach its other side. Try to conquer this obstacle alone, and this massive mammoth will make you pay.
Balls Out - This obstacle takes wall climbing to a whole new extreme. Using hanging ropes spaced out over an angled six-foot wall, Mudders must test their strength and agility by attempting to transverse the wall moving from side to side.
The Liberator - A mad mountaineering challenge, the Liberator requires Mudders to conquer a 10-foot A-frame using pegs and rope. On the ascent, Mudders must crawl up a slanted wall placing pegs into slots along the structure. On the way down, a rope brings them back to safe ground.
The Hangover - As troublesome and disorienting as its namesake, The Hangover is a menacing ten-foot wall angled toward Mudders. Work as a team to ultra-boost each other up to the Mudders hanging down from the top. Fail to brainstorm a creative team plan of attack with the Mudders on the other side, and your head’s gonna be spinning.
Cry Baby - While whining has never been tolerated on course, an exception might (we said ‘might’) have to be made for this never-before-seen tearjerker of an obstacle. An enclosed structure filled with a safe tear gas-like substance and littered with hazards along the way, Cry Baby will have your eyes flowing with tears of, um, laughter--yeah, laughter.
King of the Swingers - As exhilarating as it is downright fun, King of the Swingers, on course at select events, requires Mudders to leap off a ledge and reach for a rope swing dangling above a pit of muddy water. Once airborne, Mudders must stay focused and hold on long enough to reach for a hanging bell. Hit or miss, it’s still a rush...and an obstacle you won’t find anywhere else.
Hold Your Wood 2.0 - What was once a tiresome trudge with a log on your shoulder is now a 4 to 8 Mudder test of timber-toting, troubleshooting teamwork. For a stretch of course, Mudders must band together and carry a massive log over, under and through walls while ensuring no Mudder gets left behind.
Kiss of Mud 2.0 - Crawling over flat land with barbed wire overhead? Been there. Done that. KoM 2.0 requires Mudders to transverse a series of elevation changes, all while hugging the mud-coated ground below and avoiding the barbed wire above. Keeping your head down while sliding into deep trenches and crawling over hay bales ain’t as easy as it sounds.
Mud Mile 2.0 - 2.0 doesn’t mean it’s two miles--it just feels like it. Updated with waist-deep mud, double-high entrance and exit mounds and completely vertical mud masses, the importance of teamwork on this obstacle has never been greater. Lend a hand, take a hand; pay it forward, give it back-- this obstacle is all about going the extra mile.
Electroshock Therapy 2.0 - The electrifying crown jewel of every Tough Mudder course has just upped it’s shock value. Now, EST 2.0 features a color-coded “hot zone” which houses wires with increased voltage.
Everest 2.0 - With an increased height and rounded top, this keystone Tough Mudder obstacle is more team-oriented than ever. Higher, and with a tougher summit to grip, getting up Everest solo has never been harder.
Funky Monkey 2.0 - Even the most seasoned Mudders have never seen monkey bars as funky as these. The first half of the obstacle: monkey business as usual. During the second half, however, Mudders must grab a trapeze bar, swing onto a descending pipe and shimmy hand-over-hand to the finish.
Arctic Enema 2.0 - A nerve-wracking update to Tough Mudder’s signature ice bath obstacle, Arctic Enema 2.0 forces Mudders down a short slide, under a chain-link fence, and into freezing cold ice water. Once submerged, Mudders must boost themselves and fellow Mudders over a wood partition in the middle of the vessel before emerging victorious.
Pole Dancer - Making Olympic parallel bars look like a preschool playground attraction, Pole Dancer is the ultimate test of tricep toughness. On this obstacle, Mudders must navigate up and down two slippery, wobbly bars using only their hands and arms. Get all bent out of shape and plummet to a pool below.
Berlin Walls - A long-standing Tough Mudder original, these super-sturdy 10-foot walls put camaraderie and teamwork to the ultimate test. Home to many a bottom boost and helping hand, no Mudder will be left on the outskirts of these towering timbers.
Underwater Tunnels - Get ready to hold your breath and prepare for the rush. Underwater Tunnels challenges Mudders to repeatedly plunge under a series of barrels dispersed throughout a cold body of water. Submerge, emerge, repeat is the name of this game.
Ladder To Hell - Get ready for your fear of heights to get pushed to a whole new level. A 12-foot structure made of massive tree trunks with boards mounted between them, Ladder to Hell requires Mudders to climb up and down its looming frame while forcing themselves not to look down.
King of the Mountain - Remember playing King of the Mountain in grade school? Well this is nothing like that. A five-meter high stack of huge, farm-grade hay bales, Mudders must work together to help one another reach the summit before taking in the sweet view with arms raised and heads tilted back. Oh, yeah. Then you gotta get back down.
Greased Lightning - A super-slick, gravity-powered obstacle that’ll channel your inner mini Mudder, Greased Lightning is a grown-up’s Slip n’ Slide that sends Mudders flying down a greased-up tarp and into a pit of muddy water. Just sit back and enjoy the slide.
Balls to the Wall - Obviously we’re talking about your intense grit here. Balls to the Wall is no elementary school gym class rope climb – but it has the potential to be just as embarrassing. This monster of an obstacle will have you scaling a wall three and a half meters in the air using only a muddy rope and what’s left of your strength. Once you reach the top, work up the courage to descend the rope on the other side.

Aid Stations:

5+ Water & First Aid Stations


Tough Mudder Respect Awards
Special awards are given to participants who have completed the race after overcoming serious illness, injury or misfortune.

Costume Awards
Best costume — Most Bad-Ass (winner wins a season pass)
Worst costume — Most Dumb-Ass
Least Clothing — Most Ass
Most Likely To Have Been In The Village People

Toughest Mullet & Toughest Mohawk
Participants can either arrive on event day with a mullet or take advantage of the free head shave. Those with the best mullets & mohawks will be invited to take to the stage, and prizes will be awarded to the best!


Tougher Mudder takes our signature Tough Mudder Classic course and adds a competitive, timed twist. This first start wave of Saturday of event weekend allows Mudders to push themselves to a new level on the classic course, while still maintaining our core values of teamwork and camaraderie.
This gets you access to the first wave of the day, an official course time, and more
Starting in 2019, there is no prize money at Tougher, Toughest, and World’s Toughest Mudder events.


Cheer on your Mudders and enjoy our action-packed Mudder Village Festival. The experience includes live entertainment, authentic local eats, lawn games and much much more. Get your Mudder Village Passes for only $15 (+taxes & fees)


$10 parking & bag drop fee is included at checkout with your main ticket

Post Party:

You just conquered 10-12 miles of Big Mudder’s wrath – the only obstacle between you and the finish line is Electroshock Therapy. You pause to gather your cojones, then try to run through the live wires without getting shocked (impossible). You get repeatedly zapped with 10,000 volts of electricity, and it does NOT tickle. After dropping your fair share of f-bombs, you cross the finish line. You’re greeted with an orange headband, a high-five and a hard earned beer.
You have just completed Tough Mudder, and you are among the elite group who have the honor of saying they’ve conquered probably the toughest event on the plantet. What do you do next…?

Tough Mudder Post Party
Whats happenin’ at the Base Area & Post Party?

  • Tons of beer available for purchase & consumption
  • Rockin' Music
  • Awards Ceremonies


At most events, Tough Mudder will be offering tattoos of our bad-ass logo to all finishers who want to commemorate their epic achievement. Once you get inked, fill out a tattoo registration entry form to get free entry into a Tough Mudder event of your choice! Please note: some venues don’t allow tattoos on-site. If this is the case, we encourage participants to get Tough Mudder tattoos at local tattoo parlors.

Tough Mudder is a proud supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project. To date, Tough Mudder participants have raised approximately $6.5 million to support thousands of warriors returning from the battlefield. Every dollar raised is well spent: Providing combat stress recovery programs, Adaptive sports programs, Benefits counseling, and Employment services. And these are only a few examples of the programs offered to our injured veterans! These programs and services aid in brave Americans’ transition from service-connected injury to civilian life. We host a team of Wounded Warriors in every Tough Mudder event, just to remind everyone what the definition of the word ‘bad-ass’ really means. Look for participants carrying the Wounded Warrior Project flag at our events!

Tough Mudder is not a race. A Tough Mudder event is a personal challenge — the goal is simply to complete the course. This is why we do not time people and why we try to avoid using the word ‘race’ when describing our events. This is a critical tenet of our philosophy and our pledge.

Because TMHQ has received inquiries asking whether or not women can participate, we would like to make it clear that women are strongly encouraged to register, and that 25% of all registrants are female.

Tough Mudder events are designed to test all round fitness. However, fitness alone will not get you round the course. You will also need mental endurance to complete the course and overcome the obstacles. You will need to train beforehand

Tough Mudder recommends that all participants possess basic swimming fundamentals and be skilled to not only tread water but also prepared t swim a minimum distance of 25-30 feet. Also, we suggest that persons with limited swimming ability to bypass the deep water parts of the course, as basic swimming skills are essential for the safe completion of these obstacles.

Tough Mudder is not supposed to be about getting a faster time than your buddy, so it’s fine by us if you want to skip an obstacle. The way we see it, you are there to have fun and get a real sense of achievement at the end. If you think a particular obstacle isn’t going to do this for you, just go around it – no shame there. However, if you are skipping an obstacle just to improve your time, then we think you are only cheating yourself. You paid to do the course – why not actually do it? Obviously, though, for some who participate there is a real element of competition involved in the event, so we do say that to qualify for a winners’s prize or for the World’s Toughest Mudder competition you must have completed all the obstacles.

For health & safety reasons, you are not allowed to bring your pets to Tough Mudder.

All participants will have the opportunity to be hosed down by volunteer firemen after finishing the course. At some venues, there will also be a shower option available.

What to wear to a Tough Mudder?
Shoes – normal running shoes. Cleats won’t help – in fact they’ll be worse on your feet and are dangerous for the other participants.
Clothes – lightweight stuff that dries quickly. Even if it’s a cold day, heavy or thick clothing will just retain water and make you colder. You should also bring a change of clothes for after the event so you can enjoy the post party.
Gloves – this one is more debatable. Some people swear by them, others prefer to go glove-less (faster drying). If you go with gloves, be sure to grab tough, thick ones to prevent burns from the ropes and splinters from the walls.
A watch – if you care about knowing your time. It’s on you to time yourself.
Photo ID – You MUST bring a photo ID. We cannot stress this enough.
Copy of your confirmation email.

Join our team of Tough Mudder Volunteers (MVPs) and create a life-changing experience for yourself and others. As an added bonus, all MVPs get up to 90% off (yes, that’s right) a future Tough Mudder.

Are the 10-12 mile Tough Mudder® courses somehow not enough for you? World’s Toughest Mudder is the culminating event of the Tough Mudder calendar and takes the concept of being a Tough Mudder to a whole new level. This extreme competition puts the world’s most hardcore Mudders℠ through a grueling 24-hour challenge designed to find the toughest man, woman, and 4-person team on the planet.
If you’re crazy enough to think that 24 hours of torture sounds like fun, then you’re eligible.
Previously, we’ve asked people to qualify by submitting their times from a Tough Mudder during the season. But the fact is that this year, you’re not going to be competing on a normal Tough Mudder course – we’re going to be feeding you something even more intense, with more obstacles per mile. So how fast you can run isn’t as important – what really matters is how much pain you can push through.


Create a team of friends, family and co-workers or run solo and let all of Mudder Nation be your team. As Tough Mudder is a team-centric event focused on camaraderie over course time, most Mudders choose to recruit a team to make event day more fun and help them through the obstacles. You can form a team before or after you register.

All teams that register together will be placed in the same start wave. If team members register late or as an individual and then switch to a team, Tough Mudder cannot guarantee that he/she will start at the same time as his/her team.

Team members can choose to run the course at their own pace, but some might say “where is the camaraderie in that?” Or, “run and finish collectively as a group, now that’s tough!” However, we at Tough Mudder leave this decision at each team member’s sole discretion.

Redefine team building by getting out of the conference room and into the mud with TOUGH MUDDER CORPORATE TEAM PACKAGES. If you’re looking to bond your team in the most unconventionally awesome way possible, running a Tough Mudder as a team is a surefire way to do it.

Kids Race:

Tough Mudder Kids is a brand-new adventure-inspired kids obstacle course specially designed for children ages 5-12. Junior Mudders of all abilities now have the chance to take on their own version of the legendary Tough Mudder course and learn the benefits of teamwork, overcoming obstacles and, of course, getting really really muddy.

Recommended for kids aged 8-12, Mighty Mudder brings the best of the full-sized Tough Mudder course to life. Featuring 15 of the world’s best obstacles, including kid-friendly versions of favorites Funky Monkey and Everest, spread over a mud-filled 1-mile course. This is as close to the real thing as it gets.

Recommended for kids aged 5-7, Mini Mudder participants will tackle this 1/2 mile course, working together as a team to get through 10 obstacles and earn their Mini Mudder headband. A great entry-level experience for the aspiring Mudder.

Coupons / Discount Codes:

Please see our obstacle course race discount & promotion page for all the latest discounts, promos, promotions, discount codes, and coupon codes for Laughlin Nevada Tough Mudder Classic 10 Mile & 5K 2021. There also may be one listed at the top of this page. See more Tough Mudder discount codes & promo codes here