
Mud Level View – Savage Race (Central Florida) 2012

By |April 18th, 2012| is proud to announce our newest contributor, Jonathan Watson (The Ultimate Weekend Warrior), from JWatson TV. Jon will be bringing his "Mud Level View" to you from Mud Runs & Obstacle Races all over the USA.

Follow along with Jon as he takes you through action and gives you multiple angles of all the obstacles you encounter during the Savage Race. Watch as he tries to out-trick the organizers to get over a water element - only to told that wasn't a valid route. Live and learn!

The Thrill of the Chase…

By |April 18th, 2012|

Everyone's chasing something in life; the perfect job, a loving spouse, more money, a nicer car, and all the trappings of a good life - the "stuff" that we all seem to want more and more of. While you’re pursuing any of these goals, you’re being chased as well; a co-worker is eying that promotion you had your heart set on, that potential soul-mate surely has other suitors, the impending zombie apocalypse, and all the while sand continues to trickle down the bulb of Father Time’s hourglass in the race against our own mortality.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.