
Pre-Event Interview: NYC City Challenge Obstacle Race

By |October 2nd, 2014|

I researched City Challenge and what separated them from other OCR players. The first thing I noticed was that the course has no mud or water obstacles. What also caught my eye where some of the obstacles such as Battle Rope Jumps, Sumo Squat Kettle Bell Swings, Slam Ball Strikes, Caravan Parkover, and Heavy Bag Guantlet

Pre-Event Interview: Bone Frog Challenge

By |October 1st, 2014|

Brian explained the NY course is very different from the New England course, for starters almost every inch of the course is on some form of micro terrain, meaning there are almost zero flat spots on the course except for a few and that is where they are placing most of the obstacles so runners legs are going to be smoked early and often. The course is going to be 8.7 miles long, and packed with the hardest obstacles they have. The actual race will take place on three separate properties that all connect to each other.

UK Obstacle Race Championship Winner Takes Aims at OCR World Championships

By |September 29th, 2014|

After taking wins at the Sheffield Steel race, Spartan Race, Tough Guy Marathon, Dirty Dozen Race in Essex and Rock Solid Race in Milton Keynes, the 21 year old scaffolder and brother of boxer Callum Hancock, overcame numerous 12 foot walls, monkey bars, army crawls and river swims at the Championships in Kent. Part of Team Muddy Race, which is an obstacle racing team from top UK Obstacle Racing website, Conor is now off to the US to compete in the Obstacle Course Racing Championships and is aiming for a top ten finish.

Are You Elite? Then Shut the #$^& Up!

By |September 26th, 2014|

As I was reflecting and perusing photos from this weekend's Reebok Spartan Race World Championships, I couldn't help but visibly notice the lack of standardization in a race where so much was on the line. Spartan Race, I do sincerely love your events and believe you guys put on some of the most difficult and awesome physical sporting events in the entire world... this is a constructive piece of criticism that I've been distilling with my observations over the past few years with the growth of this company and sport.

Volunteering at BattleFrog Tri-State

By |September 19th, 2014|

After learning about BattleFrog I was thinking about going and running the course. While researching the event and obstacles I noticed the volunteer link on the BattleFrog website and checked it out. The idea of volunteering and getting to run the course for free made BattleFrog seem like a no brainier. BattleFrog would get awesome help (me) for the day and I would meet the staff, hang out with SEAL's, meet more OCR regulars, and run the course for free?

Gear Review: X-Racewear

By |September 17th, 2014|

X-Racewear shorts are big on the scene and I attest that they are 100% OCR Ready. I have put quite a few miles on my pairs. I own both the zipper and Velcro black shorts but this time, I will talk about the black and gray camouflage with Velcro as they are their latest model.

Gear Review: REI Carbon Lock Trekking Poles

By |September 12th, 2014|

The use of Trekking Poles has been increasing in the hiking world over the past few years, and is recently becoming more prevalent in Extreme Fitness Racing (Death Races, Catamount Games, etc,), Rucking, and now Obstacle Course Racing. Of course, a “normal” OCR doesn't give much opportunity for Trekking Poles to be of much assistance when you’re mostly running. But in this past weekend’s Virginia Spartan Super held at the Wintergreen Ski Resort, it was recommended that I use a pair to assist in my stability and exertion that would be required with the incredibly steep uphill and downhill grades I’d be facing, and I could expect very little running to actually be possible. Other Obstacle Course Races with hellacious grades to negotiate (like Vermont) might be good opportunities to have Trekking Poles provide assistance.

Spartan Race Announces First Ever “Triple Crown”

By |August 20th, 2014|

In order to be eligible, racers must kick off their Triple Crown challenge by competing in the Killington, VT, Reebok Spartan World Championship, September 20, 2014, and finish with the first-ever Team Championship in Dallas, Texas, November 1, 2014. Competitors must round out their Triple Crown by competing in either the South Carolina Reebok Spartan Race Beast, or the Sacramento Reebok Spartan Race Super, both on October 25, 2014.

SMILE, You’re a Tough Mudder!

By |August 19th, 2014|

“Tough Mudder participants have been sharing their photos in record numbers on social media,” said Gameface Media CEO David Lavallee. “For brands like MET-Rx, this engagement allows participants to promote their involvement with the brand in a very authentic and legitimate way. They sample terrific MET-Rx products at the event and then extend their engagement with the brand on social media once they get home.”

Dirty Girl: Under New (Human Movement) Management

By |August 1st, 2014|

“Human Movement is committed to providing the highest quality experience for all Dirty Girl participants,” said HMM CEO Jeff Suffolk. “While we are pleased to have saved these eight events, we understand the disappointment this may bring to participants of canceled events, and are working hard to present alternative options to honor the original registration.”

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.