
At BattleFrog, ‘BF’ Now Means “Beginner Friendly”

By |March 28th, 2016|

BattleFrog Series is nothing if not ambitious; scaling an event from 3-6 events is a big deal, and moving into a new state is fraught with difficulty on levels of magnitude to putting on an event in your home market - ask any race company in (or out) of business now. What BFS did is beyond definition, and beyond reckless for any other event to even attempt. The sport is littered with the carcasses of races that tried, yet this is not a homage to their failures, it's a nod to the audacity of BattleFrog's ownership and executive management; they have a plan of action that would make any CPA tremble.

Last Weekend in OCR – 3/12/16

By |March 14th, 2016|

This week, BattleFrog and Rugged Maniac ruled the East Coast, and an extremely wet & muddy Lone Star State played guest to thousands of dedicated Spartan Racers. World-wide, people came out in droves to challenge themselves at such amazing events like Vanderbijl South Africa’s Warrior Race, Valladolid Spain’s Farinato Race and one of the indisputable kings of pain, UK’s The Suffering. Devastating storms and historically-high flooding wrecked havoc on eastern Texas last week, causing the cancellation of Dirty Girl Mud Run in Houston and Dallas*. Despite many areas of the Spartan Race Houston venue being waterlogged, in the true Spartan spirit the race went on!

Adam Kimble’s Run Across America – Days 18 – 21

By |March 7th, 2016|

Adam Kimble continues his march east in his run across America, nearly 800 miles in and 1/3 of his 2400-mile journey! Below are updates from the past 4 days since crossing the New Mexico border - CA and AZ are in the rear view mirror! Day 18, March 3 Miles Today: 43 Miles Run So [...]

Identifying an OCR Athlete in the Wild: Part 1

By |February 15th, 2016|

If you're reading this article which you are, chances are you have an obsession with Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). However, not everyone in your family wants to hear details about all your calluses that were torn off on your last set of monkey bars or how many burpees you did last night while watching a playlist of OCR Warrior.

Dr. Red Tights Tip: Define your year

By |February 12th, 2016|

We live in an era of instant gratification, last minute planning, big hopes and even bigger challenges. There are so many exciting and inspiring events out there to choose from that the addicted among us quickly find ourselves doing events weekend after weekend without breaks and a plan.

Warrior Race, South Africa – Race Recap

By |February 8th, 2016|

South Africa’s OCR season for 2016 has now officially begun with the start of the Warrior Races! The first Warrior Race was this weekend with almost 7000 participants. We have had a few earlier events, but those were mostly attended by Elite athletes and those in the know, and were more warm ups than true [...]

BattleFrog Series Los Angeles Race Recap

By |February 8th, 2016|

It's official, West Coast Loves BattleFrog. This past weekend, BattleFrog held it's third event of the year in Chino Hills California at Prado Regional Park. The Venue was mostly flat with a variety of terrain from running in the grass, dirt trails, and a swampy section that I can only describe as Yoda's back yard [...]

What is Spartan DELTA?

By |December 21st, 2015|

One interesting photo emerged on social media last Saturday, a 4-sided triangular "delta" with what appeared to be Spartan Race Trifecta medal holders on 3 of the visible sides. Speculation began immediately; is it just a cool triple (or quadruple, don't forget the bottom triangle) Trifecta holder?

OCR Warrior – Best of the Best Women’s Championship

By |December 19th, 2015|

After 3 thrilling Knockout Rounds, our top 4 women qualifiers take on the OCR Warrior Finals course - including Dragon's Back, a Warped Wall, the nefarious Skull Valley and a 14' rope climb to the finish!

Thankful for OCR, Thankful for YOU.

By |November 26th, 2015|

OCR is about competition with others, with yourself, and against the clock. We battle Father Time as we age, Mother Nature out on the course, and at the end of the day we are all FAMILY. From the Mud Run Guide family to yours, thank you so much for bringing your joy and passion to the sport we all love. Obstacle course racing and mud runs have changed so many of your lives, and has absolutely transformed ours as well.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.