
Spartan Strong w/Evan Dollard – Ep 5

By |August 16th, 2016|

Our bud Evan "Rocket" Dollard is back with a new episode of Spartan Strong, this time he takes to the El Moro Trails in CA to run some good old fashioned hill sprints, chase a bunny, and work on his pistol squats.

Spartan Strong w/Evan Dollard Ep. 7

By |August 16th, 2016|

Evan runs a military inspired obstacle course at the Newport-Mesa YMCA and tries works our with Spartan SGX coach Cody Ayala

Spartan Strong w/Evan Dollard Ep. 6

By |August 15th, 2016|

Evan takes to the steps of Culver City with Darrell Michnowicz of Raw Calisthenics. Expect plenty of body weight exercises, plenty of stairs, and a total lack of shirts.

Spartan Strong w/Evan Dollard – Ep 4

By |August 10th, 2016|

Evan Dollard heads to Tempest Academy to work on his free running and ninja skills, exercising that ever important grip strength.

Spartan Strong w/Evan Dollard – Ep 3

By |August 6th, 2016|

In the never ending quest to become Spartan Strong, Evan trains with SGX coach Ashley Seeger at her workout, "Becoming Badass."

OCR Gym Profiles: Platinum OCR

By |August 2nd, 2016|

This is the second part in our series of reviews of training options for obstacle course racing in Southern California; last time, my friends and I hit up MROC in Oceanside; this time, we move inland to Fallbrook, and went to play with Nicole Kifer at Platinum OCR. The contrast between the two couldn't be greater. The first is in a formal and compact gym space behind a mini-mall; Platinum OCR is an outdoor obstacle course and training center built by Nicole and her family on her brother's 7-acre plot of land.

  • Spartan Race Announces Age Group Championships for 2017

Avoid These 5 Obstacle Race Mistakes

By |August 2nd, 2016|

Have you been training for an obstacle race? Are you sure you know what you're doing? Truth is, there's no black and white with obstacle race training. There's just a whole lot of grey.

Trainer Tuesday: “Rope-Less” Rope Climb Training: How To Do It

By |July 26th, 2016|

Picture this. You’ve just surpassed the 3-mile marker. Forearms and finger tips are cramping from 300 yards of unforgiving bucket carries. The bottoms of your feet feel heavy, your thighs are burning and just above the grassless hill you see it… The rope climb.

SPARTAN STRONG w/Evan Dollard Episode 2

By |July 25th, 2016|

Evan Dollard is back with the second episode of Spartan Strong leading up to the release of the new book SpartanFit by Joe De Sena. This week Evan is working out with Quentin Pullen and Josh Graves to tackle a beachside "warrior workout." Later he takes on Thousand Steps Beach.

Spartan Strong with Evan Dollard – Episode 1

By |July 11th, 2016|

Mud Run Guide's resident modern-day Ninja, Evan Dollard, takes us along on his SPARTAN STRONG journey! Stop #1, MROC in SoCal!

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.