Dr. Redtights Tip: Overtraining is About More than Training
We can be obsessive compulsives about our training regimen, but there’s something that’s hard to control: life. Dr. Redtights talks about overtraining in his latest article.
We can be obsessive compulsives about our training regimen, but there’s something that’s hard to control: life. Dr. Redtights talks about overtraining in his latest article.
Rope Walls are an obstacle that can be found at an obstacle race. Rope Walls can be difficult but with a few quick tips from pros Hunter McIntyre and Cassidy Watton, you will be able to conquer this one at your next event.
Balance is a key factor in obstacle course racing and mud run. Whether the beam is fixed, wobbly, zig zag, over water, or some other variation it's still all about balance. Hunter McIntyre and Cassidy Watton show us how to successfully navigate this obstacle racing staple obstacle.
Rope Walls are an obstacle that could show up on any mud run or obstacle race. This medium difficulty obstacle can often be challenging for many athletes. It requires just a few tricks to successfully achieve. Hunter McIntyre walks us through how to accomplish this obstacle in a quick tutorial video.
After a few mud runs or obstacle races, it's easy to catch the bug and dive into the OCR lifestyle. Below is a list of ways to improve your experience in the world of OCR. Pick and choose what works best for you and implement those into your life and racing.
Walls are an integral part of almost every obstacle race or mud run. They can range in height from a few feet up to over 10-feet tall. Being able to get over the wall is often a challenge for many obstacle racers. Hunter McIntyre and Cassidy Watton (Epic Hybrid Training Coach and Spartan Race Pro Team athlete) bring us through some techniques we can all apply on race day in the video below.
Back in the winter, Hubie Cushman messaged me with a huge opportunity. He wanted me to cover his Indian Mud Run event which occurred just two Saturdays ago. While fellow MRG blogger Keven Parrish got the scoop out in Conshocton, OH, I was wrapping up a family vacation scheduled nearly a year earlier. One of the highlights of the race, and the reason for my invite, was Larry Cooper and his Destroyer. It turns out, Indian Mud Run was a whole lot more than a playground race.
Rope climbs are an essential part of obstacle racing. Hunter McIntyre demonstrates and explains how to conquer the advanced move of the legless rope climb. He and Spartan Race Pro-Team athlete and Epic Hybrid Training Coach, Cassidy Watton show how the pros do it and give you advice on how to conquer the advanced movements of the legless rope climb.
One of the most common environmental challenges in endurance OCRs, especially of the Tough Mudder variety, is cold stress. World’s Toughest Mudder is famous for being a race where a wetsuit is normally required for successful completion of 24 hours on the course. As humans, we have really strange reactions to cold stress, so let’s talk about the best practices for dealing with the cold.
When I talk about ultrarunning or obstacle racing to the lay public, a frequent response that I get is a look of shock and awe, then the question: “Why?” Sometimes it comes with some clarification like, “why do you do that to yourself?” or “why do you pay for that?”