
How to Look Good in OCR Photos

By |June 19th, 2015|

Now that racing season is well under way, it is time to learn some tricks on how to look good in photos. Although your main reason for racing or exercising may not be looks, everyone cares about how they look in photos on some level. Although pre/post race will allow for better utilization of these techniques, some are also applicable mid-race. These tips and tricks are common practice in the supplement industry for “after” photos and techniques you will see on the bodybuilding/physique stage.

MythBusters: OCR Edition, The Runner’s Course

By |June 18th, 2015|

If you have ever visited any social media site or group after an OCR race in the past few years, you have undoubtedly seen some version of the following comments: “Great race, but it was definitely more of a runner’s course”“WAY too much of a runner’s course for me”“Too flat, too much running”“Too much running for my taste. Runner’s course for sure” These comments left by discouraged and exhausted competitors represent one of the more confusing myths alive and well in the OCR community today. Just what is a runner’s course? Why does it exist? Is it fair? How did this phenomenon come about? Hang on, as we dive headfirst into this touchy subject.

Plan A Racecation

By |June 17th, 2015|

Recently, my wife and I took our first real racecation – a vacation featuring a race that we wanted to run. We’ve traveled for races before, but almost always to locations that are easily accessible by car, and then we spent a couple of nights before heading home. Las Vegas, Phoenix and Monterey are great examples of this type of close travel, and they tend to be a very fun weekend.

Community, Fringe Sports, Acquaintanceship Density, and OCR. What the Heck?!

By |June 10th, 2015|

Community is what most point to as the best thing about obstacle racing. Meeting old and new friends is often the highlight of race weekends. Even so, the community has evolved from the earliest days. A recent article in Men’s Fitness Magazine hinted at the evolution: “Before it was a slick, Reebok-sponsored international obstacle-racing phenomenon, the Spartan Race was a quirky, little-known adventure race in Vermont’s Green Mountains”.

10 Kinds of Obstacle Racers, Which One Are You?

By |June 3rd, 2015|

While you meet people from all walks of life on the racing circuit, the growth of obstacle racing over the years has allowed for a number of distinct groups to emerge. If you have been racing for a while, chances are you have run into one of these folks on the race course. [We love and need them all.]

Protected: The Rise & Fall (Again) of Atlas Race

By |May 27th, 2015|

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.


How to Pick a Fight With a Spartan… Let’s talk Burpees

By |February 24th, 2015|

In my circle of friends I have often joked with them, "How do you start a fight with a Spartan Racer... Burpees". How many times have we seen on the internet another argument about the proper form of a burpee in a Spartan Race. More than one barstool conversation has become heated over the subject. But until yesterday not many people have had the guts to really put out there what so many in the industry had been thinking, then Pete Rees, the founder of published - Why Spartan Are Not Competitive Races – And How That Can Be Resolved.

Opinion: Is There Such a Thing as a New Obstacle?

By |November 12th, 2014|

But still how many of these obstacles are truly unique? Sometimes it feels like there aren't any other obstacles than what we already see. However, at the recent OCR World Championships speaking with racers from around the globe we have only hit the tip of the obstacle iceberg.

What the HELL Am I Doing Here?

By |February 3rd, 2014|

As I stood in the crowd waiting to start my first Spartan Sprint last June, my heart started pumping, and I felt a sense of fear, excitement, and panic all at the same time. Many thoughts crept into my head but the main one that felt like it was screaming was: “What the hell am I doing here?”

Ready for Alpha Warrior? PROVE IT!

By |March 15th, 2013|

Ultimate Obstacle Race Training author Brett Stewart was invited to be one of the crash test dummies - er, "elite athlete course consultants" - for an impressive new offering to the world of obstacle racing. What he found behind the doors of that San Antonio warehouse may just change the future of adventure challenge events forever!

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.