
Op-Ed: BFX24 – the Experience from Far Far Away

By |March 12th, 2016|

Once upon a time, there was a group forward thinking, sadistic Frogs named David, Ryan, and Beard. These crazy dudes came up with an idea that they should invite tadpoles to come to Miami, FL, and run around all night and play for an entire day. They would call this gallivanting BFX24! Who knew that there would be 120 takers for this brand new HooYah Hell Day! I, however, would not be one of these lucky Froggers. While 24-hour obstacle races are not new to me (I have logged 188 miles at such events) I would find that completely “sitting this one out” was not an option for me.

Going to the Xtreme: Part 1: Are Spandex Shorts Right for Me?

By |March 8th, 2016|

Now that BattleFrog Xtreme 24 is over, you may be thinking it is time to take other aspects of your Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) life to the extreme. Recently, you have been lining up at Obstacle Course Races and started to notice something spreading amongst the athletes in the front of the field. It began as an isolated overly excited ex-triathlete who transitioned into OCR and has spread to other athletes.

Identifying an OCR Athlete in the Wild: Part 2

By |February 23rd, 2016|

At the bar. Another good time to find OCR athletes is at the bar early Saturday afternoon. After having a free beer post-race plus a couple more that they paid for, the adventurous make their way to a nearby watering hole.

Trainer Tuesday: Can We All Be Coaches?

By |February 9th, 2016|

It’s “Trainer Tuesday” and all last night I continued to think about how each and every one of us can be “Trainers/Coaches.” Most reading this piece love to train, race, stay fit, and are crazy passionate about the awesome sport we call OCR. So with this piece today, I’m not going to give you any quick tips on how to improve your running or how to conquer your next obstacle.

OCR Warrior – A Step Back Look From the Champion

By |February 9th, 2016|

Are you coming down to Atlas Race in San Antonio this weekend? Probably not, I hear they’re going to go under soon. They have a short course competition after the main race. I’ll be there!

Should OCR Athletes Care How Much Weight They Can Lift?

By |January 27th, 2016|

I chose the title for the article knowing well in advance there will be a string of comments on Facebook that says things like “No! Who cares!?!” Just like most posts, you should probably read the article first. So, should you care how much you can lift if you are an OCR athlete?

Op-Ed: The Pen is Mightier…

By |January 26th, 2016|

Recently, I was peripherally involved in an article that helped open my eyes in a number of ways. It was an article that raised questions about safety at BattleFrog Series, a relative newcomer to the world of OCR with grand ambitions, who wants to position itself as one of the big players in the market space.

Op-Ed: Obstacle Course Racing Predictions for 2016

By |January 11th, 2016|

It's the second week of January which means it's time for bold, uninhibited predictions for the coming year in obstacle course racing (OCR)! Of course as a matter of courtesy, due to the very nature of bold predictions, you are naturally expected to forget everything I say by the beginning of next year!

Mud Run Guide Awards….Must….Have….A….Name!

By |December 30th, 2015|

Like all the major awards we've come to know and love...the Oscar, Emmy, Grammy, Tony, and even the Espy and Razzie, the Mud Run Guide annual awards are in dire need of a name!! As I haven't seen an up-welling of suggestions for this, I've taken it upon myself to come up with some possibilities.

Sponsorship Part 5: “What if I am the 99%?”

By |December 29th, 2015|

Hopefully, some of you are still with me through this series of articles. If you read the previous articles and think none of this applies to me, I am one of the 99%. Not my article but anyone who does not recognize the importance of 99% of the people that show up at each event is missing something big.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.