
About Kelli M (GrittyKitty)

Online race reviewer for Eastern Ontario, Quebec, and NY. OCRWC Competitor-Masters Division -2016. Member of the Canadian Mudd Queens (The Eh Team). Course designer -Mudmoiselle, Kingston, Ontario, 2015-2017.

Race Recap – Polar Hero, Ottawa, Ontario

By |February 10th, 2016|

Winter racing has a few extra challenges compared with moderate temperature events. You have to plan how many layers are required based on an estimated time outdoors in the cold. You have to watch the weather to determine departure times so you can arrive at the venue in plenty of time to park and pick up your race kit and you have to hope that there are no road closures, accidents or rambling deer along the way to slow you down. Today, we were fortunate and made the 2 hour journey north with no incidents and with ample time to prepare and meet our fellow racers.

Ignite the Night Snowshoe Race – Race Recap

By |January 22nd, 2016|

As the rain poured down and temperatures reached a balmy 6 degrees, we were a little hesitant if the snow would suffice for the 2nd annual Dion Ignite the Night Snowshoe Race. We packed a variety of outer wear and hit the road heading east about 90 minutes. We were excited that we were finally going to meet some of our fellow racers from online forums and this was a central meeting point that worked for 20 of us from Ottawa, Toronto, Kingston and Montreal.

Race Recap: Dead End Race Stadium Edition

By |October 27th, 2015|

Today was our first stadium race at Dead End and our last OCR of the season, and we were not disappointed. The event was held at the TD Centre Stadium is located near Ottawa, Ontario. It was a great indoor/outdoor venue for this 25 obstacle event.

Race Recap – The Cataraqui Adventure Trek

By |September 17th, 2015|

Any of you who follow my race reviews know that I am always open to try new things and we gals love an adventure.  Last weekend we were pleasantly surprised by a new event that just launched in our own neck of the woods; it was a great short drive to the race site and there was an element of intrigue as we were only given snippets of information prior to race day.

Race Recap: 5K SuperSplash – Fun and Foam from Start to Finish

By |August 26th, 2015|

As the emails started to roll in, our interest was piqued! The advertising for SuperSplash 2015 kept us informed yet teased us as to what to expect at the upcoming event. We had booked our hotel rooms well in advance at Mont Habitant and were excited to head up early and enjoy the town, the food and the beautiful mountainside with lakefront properties.

Race Recap: BADASS Dash, Keswick, Ontario

By |August 23rd, 2015|

This BADASS Dash was held at the ROC (Recreational Outdoor Campus) located at 26749 Civic Centre Road in Georgina, Ontario. It was easy to navigate to and was directly north of Toronto on Hwy 404 until it ended at the lake. Garmin found the location easily and traffic was quite good considering it was a long weekend. There was good some signage once you approached the venue that clearly directed you into the grounds.

Gear Review: JWalking Designs Kilts

By |August 7th, 2015|

I recently received my Mad About Plaid" Women's Active Skirt / Kilt from JWalking Designs in the mail and was eager to try it out. That night I headed to the track, to join our weekly run club, and wore my new blue plaid kilt. It was lightweight, comfortable and incredibly cool against my legs.

Race Recap: Mud Hero

By |June 24th, 2015|

I anxiously jump out of bed early and check to see what the weather has in store for us; this is one of the first challenges when racing outdoors in a Canadian climate. The ideal weather is one that is not too cool so we can reduce our layers and not too hot so we can push through without the worry of dehydration. We were in luck, warm and overcast with the risk of showers later in the evening. We loaded the car and headed off to Commando Paintball in Ottawa.

Race Recap: Polar Hero Race, Ottawa, January 2015

By |February 9th, 2015|

I can hear the walls creak from the quick drop in temperature (-28C) outside. I roll over and it’s almost time to get up. It is so warm in bed and I have to force myself to venture from underneath the covers. Today’s adventure will take us to Ottawa, Ontario. The plan is to rendezvous at a common area and carpool to save on parking costs. We are registered for the Polar Hero Race and have about a 2 hour drive before our heat at 1000 hrs.

Race Recap: Ignite the Night Snowshoe Race

By |January 20th, 2015|

As soon as the first snowflake falls, I begin to look for activities that will last me through the tough winter training months. I was fortunate enough to have heard of the Dion Snowshoe Race Series and thought that our group would participate in the recent Ignite the Night race at Upper Canada Village.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.