
About Brett Stewart

Brett Stewart is the co-founder of MudRunGuide, creator of OCR Warrior, and author of several popular fitness books in the 7 Weeks to Fitness series.

Spartan SGX Colorado: First-Person View

By |February 25th, 2014|

Having our Colorado Obstacles Racers together was great as we plan to have a huge team when Spartan is here in May. It is a great thing to get started in your state.

The Bottom Line – Saving Money on OCR’s

By |February 20th, 2014|

When talking with friends about mud runs, one of the biggest gripes I hear is "they're so expensive!" With that in mind, I wanted to pass along some tips that everyone could use to keep their pockets full of green, and every other orifice they have full of mud.

The Biggest OCR Giveaway. EVER.

By |February 20th, 2014|

The biggest giveaway ever in the sport of OCR is going on now on our Facebook page: Go like the page, find the rules and enter. It's that simple, and 10 (or more!) lucky winners will have free entry to the race of their dreams.

Obstacle Course Racing World Championships Announces Plans for Compliance with 2014 World Anti-Doping Agency Standards

By |February 5th, 2014|

“Obstacle Course Racing is evolving at an incredible pace and we each have a responsibility to nurture the sport as it grows. Through this initiative, we believe the OCRWC can responsibly contribute to that growth,” said Bijanada.

Obstacle Course Racing World Championships Announce New Qualifying Races

By |January 8th, 2014|

The Obstacle Course Racing World Championship (OCRWC), the world’s first independent OCR championship, announced today three additional races through which participants can qualify for its inaugural event. Dirty Dozen Races and The Nuclear Race in the UK, as well as the Mud Masters race series in the Netherlands have been selected as qualifying events by OCRWC organizers.

United States Obstacle Course Racing

By |January 7th, 2014|

“USOCR is dedicated to the longevity and ongoing development of obstacle course racing,” said Sam Mansfield, co-founder and CEO of USOCR. “We have initiated conversations with multiple race companies and have generated strong interest in our race partner programs. Ensuring that our partners’ events are safe and successful is our top priority.”


By |January 6th, 2014|

We have plenty of opportunities at for YOU to contribute to shaping the sport of OCR - and get free races, swag, gift cards, gear, and other neat stuff. Sign up to be selected for the MUD RUN CREW - here's just a sample of what we're looking for: - Race Reviews - Event & Training Photos and Videos - News, Articles, & Interviews - Anything OCR or racing-related

OCR World Championships: Q&A With the CEO

By |December 11th, 2013|

We shared some information about the OCR World Championships (OCRWC) a couple of weeks ago, and since then there have been so many questions popping up on Facebook groups and MUD Run Guide has also gotten our fair share of emails asking for more details. Brett Stewart sat down for a chat with Adrian Bijanada, the CEO of Adventurey, who as created this event, to get the full scoop - or as much as he could tell me on the record:

Raising Hell in the Salomon Fellraiser

By |November 23rd, 2013|

When I was asked to test the Salomon Fellraiser, I was a little giddy with excitement; I grew up skiing and have always been enamored with the Salomon brand for outdoor gear of any type. On top of that, the shoes looked impressive with all those gnarly treads and just screamed DOMINATE OCRS to me.

ROC Race: Bounce-filled, Wet, Inflatable, Fun!

By |November 3rd, 2013|

When you hear "5k" and "A dozen obstacles" you may be thinking you're in for a 3.1 mile race strewn with obstacles... and you'd be way off the mark. Sure, you can approach the ROC course like it's a Spartan Race and run as fast as you'd like (I did) to get through each of the amazingly fun obstacles as quickly as you can (and do 30 burpees for every one you failed, but I succeeded at 'em all) only to find out... you missed the whole point of this race. Yeah, I was that idiot who PR'd an un-timed race! Well, that may be mostly true, but I enjoyed the heck out of 11 of the 12 obstacles and saw thousands of people around me having a good time.

Mud Run Guide
Welcome to Mud Run Guide - the worldwide leader in mud runs, obstacle course races, and outdoor running adventures. Established in 2012, our focus is to provide you with the best events, discounts, news, reviews, gear, and training for the sport of OCR.