American Ninja Warrior – Training, Gyms, & More!

Evan “Rocket” Dollard 5-time ANW Contestant, American Gladiators Champion, OCR Warrior Host & Executive Producer, Mud Run Guide Contributor
With the exploding popularity of American Ninja Warrior (known in Japan as Sasuke, and Ninja Warrior internationally) training gyms have been springing up all over the world – from backyards to multi-million dollar facilities in huge warehouses. Warped Walls and Ultimate Cliffhangers are being constructed around the globe, and innovative companies like our buddies at 3 Ball Climbing are providing the Balls, Pipes, and Bombs for so many aspiring ninjas to train on!
Now, where's the tie-in to OCR? Glad you asked! From Platinum Rig(s) at OCR World Championships, to Spartan's new rig, this season obstacle races have been adding many more ANW-style upper-body obstacles: rings, ropes, bombs, pipes, and so much more. For the forseeable future, your success in these new types of obstacles will dictate your performance in an obstacle course race! Speaking of training, there's a ton popping up for you to get your hands on:
American Ninja Warrior-Style Training Gyms:
Ninja Warrior Training Gym Map
Ninja Warrior Training Gym List By State
Ninja Warrior Leagues & Competitions List
OCR athletes are no stranger to ANW either, here are some names you may recognize: Rose Wetzel, Matt Novakavich, Cassidy Watton, Tony Matesi, Amy Pajcic, LeEarl Rugland, Brett Stewart, Junyong Pak, and many more have appeared on American Ninja Warrior over the past few seasons, and the list continues to grow! But don't worry, we won't ignore athletes if they don't do OCR as well. In addition to some chats with Mighty Kacy (further below), we will bring you content from power teams like The Wolfpack Ninjas and more!
Some obstacle courses, (albeit very few, such as the super-secret Alpha Warrior facility) are pure obstacles, with no running, just like American Ninja Warrior while other obstacle races and mud runs, like the popular Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, and Warrior Dash, include different difficulties of obstacles, but with more running thrown in. This last year, Ryan Stratis, Brian Arnold, Alan “The Beast” Connealy, and Evan Dollard (past American Ninja Warrior competitors) took on the Tough Mudder course – check out the recap video here
Now that ANW obstacles have made the crossover into OCR, training for ninja warrior style obstacles is necessary to prepare you for obstacle course races. Luckily, we've got you covered with a full guide of American Ninja Warrior-style Training Gyms!
With our #lessshirtmorepower host Evan Dollard, we'd also like to share Mud Run Guide's Original Programming OCR Warrior, Evan's own Ninja Quickie, and coming soon are some training videos and more that will help you prepare for your next OCR – or even signing up to compete on ANW!
Coming Soon: ANW veteran athletes share their tips, tricks, and behind-the-scenes info on what you need to be prepared for during your quest to becoming a ninja!
- ANW 101 – What you need to know about training for and submitting your application video for American Ninja Warrior
- ANW 201 – Congratulations Ninja! You were selected to compete at a regional… now what?
Mighty Kacy & Team Brent's “Secret” Training Facility
ANW Superstars Brent Steffensen and Kacy Catanzaro take us inside their secret training center, Alpha Warrior, in San Antonio, TX. Watch them give MRG's Brett Stewart tips and encouragement on the Warped Wall, Devil's Steps, Unstable Bridge, Spider Wall, and more!
NEW – Team Ninja Warrior
Kacy takes us through the new Team Ninja Warrior course!
And don't forget, for even more local American ninja warrior competitions, training gyms, news, episode recaps and more, you can check out!