Since the inception of BattleFrog’s BFX, there have been several changes to tighten and hone the design to accommodate the growing numbers. But since the very first representation, the one thing that the athletes have called out for, was mandatory obstacle completion.
Okay racers…you spoke, they listened.
We spoke to David Moore, BattleFrog’s wearer of many hats, including BFX Director about what all of this is going to entail. He watched closely during BFX24, and saw how successful the formula worked there, so he and Beard went into discussions about how they could incorporate it into every race.
Here is how it will work:
Every BFX racer will need to complete every obstacle – Eight Count Body Builders will not be an option at any station. However, in the case of specific obstacles (that will rotate based on the venue, terrain and layout), a penalty loop (details to be decided by the devious minds of the race director) will be an option. These will include some creative use of the racer’s time/energy/weight, which will cause them to lose time and allow those who do complete the obstacle to pass them. Once a racer is unable to complete an obstacle or penalty loop, their number will be called in, and they will be able to complete that loop, but as they enter the transition area, they will be brought off course.
Now before the cries of “But it is nearly impossible to do all the obstacles even TWICE!” become too deafening (that was certainly my first concern), there are a couple of caveats:
- The athletes will be able to utilize the tiers on the obstacles, choosing easier tiers as they tire.
- In addition, and more significantly, as was done at BFX24, athletes will be able to accept help from other athletes.
- Does that mean you can ride another racer’s shoulders on the rig? David responded by saying that “The parameters as to what ‘help’ entails will be monitored closely as we implement this new concept. We will observe and make decisions as we learn.” Smart thinking.
BattleFrog is hoping this will inspire more athletes to work as a team and really draw on the spirit of working together that OCR is so loved for, outside the elite heats. Christopher “Beard” Acord was on hand to say this about that particular aspect of the change;
“You asked for it, we listened. I think this is a great evolution in the sanctity of the purist value in ‘racing what you love’. It is not about the outcome, but the journey that drives each and every BFX’er. Keep charging ahead – HOOYAH!”
Hello D.C – Effective Immediately!
Now the big question is, when will this take place? David told us that it will be effective immediately. As in – those of you signed up for the DC race, you can expect to be the flagship racers of this new rendering of BFX. And a big heads up for those of you who like to stroll in late to the briefing and take some of Beard’s wrath on, it is HIGHLY unadvised from this point forward, as the meeting will cover which obstacles will be attached to the penalty loops, and what those penalties will consist of.
Things just got (even more) real BFX’ers. To know what you have in store for you, well… Stronger With Every Step.
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This is stupid I liked the option of taking the penalty as needed this is nothing more then an extended elite race I have bad hands I can’t climb rope and If there’s multiple laps with swimming obstacles my arms and legs won’t hold up and I’ll cramp not a fan of this change at all really can’t help each other on those
It’s a better option than people just blatantly running by obstacles.
How many times are they going to change the rules?! Starting to get annoying….
Sounds like you really need an Elite BFX (required completion) and Open BFX, body count penalties.
I remember joking with Chad about this back in February, THANK YOU for making it a reality! (As long as there’s “supervision” to curtail the “mis-completion” of penalties like we had at BFX24, this will be AMAZING!)
I think they ruined a good thing! They have such a small turn out for BFX and now they made it like doing a extended elite race! The ones who did bfx challenged themselves to go the distance. I enjoyed this and now I will not be running it anymore! I am sure several feel the same way as the Facebook discussion shows! Bad Move BATTLEFROG
Well I did Bfx a few weeks back. Looks like it will be my last. I was actually impressed with the course and what BF has done but this will be mine and my wife’s last BFX.
Not A Fan Of this. I’m no elite, just out there to challenge myself, now at my first Battlefrog my first BFX I’m being told I may be pulled off the course. Maybe Battlefrog could concentrate on verifying venues (STILL waiting on Philadelphia location) and stop worrying about tweaking rules. Gonna be my first (’cause you got my money already) may be my last.
Why can’t they just make people do burpees like Spartan if they can’t complete an obstacle?
Great idea! Like the concept with tiers & racer’s time/energy/weight thingy. Looking forward to read the reviews after DC. Good luck BF!
I like the rule change. The point of the BFX is person with the most completed laps and obstacles is the winner. I may never win but at last year BFX NJ I watched as people Swan the rope traverse each lap and did the 8 counts. I made sure I completed it all of my 5 laps along with every other obstacle. It took a lot of energy to do it and may have been able to do a 6th lap if I didn’t.
Not everyone can be an Elite athlete, but some of us try our best and want to challenge ourselves in BFX as more of a challenge than just the open heat. My husband and I didn’t sign up for Elite because we knew there were certain obstacles we couldn’t do YET, so we did BFX this year — glad it was before the change. My husband and I completed it in Charlotte and we were going to sign up for it again next year, but with the new mandatory obstacle completion x3 rule, we won’t be signing up for BFX again, not paying that kind of money knowing they’ve set some of us for failure from the start. I think Battlefrog will lose a lot of people due to these last minute changes every year…..not trustworthy when they changed the course last year right before the event, and change rules at the last minute this year right before events people already paid for and were expecting to do 8 counts if they couldn’t complete obstacles and still had a chance to complete the BFX course. If you want to change rules, do it before people sign up for the event so they know what they are in for, I would have been pissed if I got pulled off the course because Battlefrog changed the rules right before the race to please a small handful of Elite runners while forgetting about hundreds of others out there to challenge themselves and not compete in Elite — have a BFX Elite and BFX Open to please everyone! I am out there to challenge myself, I know I can’t complete all obstacles 1x let alone 3x, but knowing 8 counts were an option made it doable. I think Battlefrog will lose hundreds of people due to these changes just to please the few who think “people like us” who can’t complete an obstacle shouldn’t be out there in their way. Shame on you Battlefrog for making a race that used to be an option for “people like us” unattainable now!
Hey Julie, while it is now “mandatory obstacle completion” for BFX, it’s very different than the elite wave.
You may not know this, but a month or so ago, we began to have three different levels at most of our difficult obstacles: beginner, intermediate, and elite. BFX runners will be able to use any of the three lanes to complete the obstacle. Also, unlike the elite wave, BFX runners can get help from anyone on the course. Third, for the most difficult obstacles, like the Platinum Rig, we will have a penalty loop that will take roughly the same amount of time to complete as the obstacle would take to complete.
Feel free to reach out to me at david@battlefrogteam.com if you have any additional questions, comments or concerns.
Ok..I can accept that penalty loop! Rig is my problem so if that obstacle is toned down to intermediate, I may be able to do that…if I get too tired I can try the beginner…if that is an option
Send a comment to the race director. Apparently they are willing to consider suggestions. Maybe they should create a competitive and open BFX much like the regular race. I know that those who do compete can’t stand watching people make a half-hearted or no attempt at an obstacle so that they can just do the penalty and win the race. I respect all of the BFX runners, you guys are as tough as nails.
Burpees should not be an alternative to obstacles, that’s one of the problems with the spartan. Sure, they’re not easy but you can’t substitute burpees or similar alternatives because the obstacles presented require people to be well rounded and fit, not just good at burpees…
DC will be my first X, and these changes will undoubtedly present challenges, but isn’t that why we all sign up for the Xtra Challenge… Besides, “if it was easy everybody would do it”!
Now now don’t bring logic to the comment’s.You’re absolutely correct.People can’t have it both way’s ie: I only want extreme when it suits me! If you’re not ready for the challenge don’t sign up for it an train harder.
Prior to judging whether or not this is to make athletes fail and be dq’d, you may want to see the outcome. Being able to utilize teamwork, penalty laps for the most difficult obstacles, as well as being able to choose which tier you choose to take on makes this substantially different than the elite course. This will apparently be a work in progress as a race company is listening to its participants and is showing a willingness to adapt to create the best all around experience. If you want to interpret that as too many rules changes, then so be it. However, I would think that an organization that is responding to requests to the runners is a good thing.
This is unfair….anyone whom wants this option should be elite. Then an open wave be for people like me….I can never do the entire race straight through, never mind multiple laps, without a penalty. Etc?
typical OCR. People signing up to race obstacles …even paying money – then, bitching about having to do the obstacles.
I don’t understand why so many people are thinking this turns it into a much harder elite race. In many respects, these rules make it EASIER to get the 3 laps done. What is wrong with having to do penalties if you can’t complete an obstacle? How is this different from what they had up until now with the 8-counts? It’s exactly what Spartan has been doing since forever, except these new penalties will be consistent and scaled to the obstacle, rather than 30 burpees for failing the 15 minute bucket brigade and 30 burpees for failing the 10 second spear throw, which makes no sense at all.
Here are the rules in a nutshell
1. you are allowed to get help. This is a huge change that commentators seem to have overlooked.
2. most obstacles will have 2 or more tiers, and completion of any tier, even with help, counts as success
3. obstacles that have a high risk of failure (even on the easiest tier) or where help is not practical will have the new, consistent and beefier penalties associated with them. Can’t do the Rig: run a penalty and keep going.
This is interesting. I did one BFX in NJ 2015 and immediately registered for BFX in NJ 2016. I will reserve judgment until I see how this works. My first thought was, I didn’t sign up for an elite MOC race — if I had wanted to do that, I would have. However, reading the requirements carefully, it seems that there will be a penalty commensurate with the difficulty of the obstacle, and I am OK with that, especially if help is allowed. It will be interesting to see what is allowed as “help”. It always did seem a bit fishy that someone could “win” BFX without necessarily completing or even attempting all the obstacles.Maybe this will help that situation. However, I do agree that this change probably won’t encourage those who were on the fence before about doing BFX. Even more than ever, BFX will be something for the more “serious” OCR competitor.
I think it’s a great idea and welcome addition. Bravo battlefrog. I’m coming over from Scotland to do Cincinnati and this makes it more interesting. Far too many runners these days skipping obstacles for time. Even over here in the UK. OCR is about all round ability. Everyone has a weak event but this encourages people to practice harder at their achilles heel.