Mud Run, OCR, Obstacle Course Race & Ninja Warrior Guide

Conquer Youth Giveback Program

The next generation of Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) athletes are here now and they are driving you or your loved ones crazy.  With quarantine in full effect in many places still, schools canceled and obesity on the rise, it is time to do something for the health of our kids and the future of our sport.  That is why the best OCR only for kids just launched the Conquer Youth Giveback Program.

The Conquer Youth Giveback program is an easy way to help out those less fortunate, grow the sport and ensure that smaller race companies like Conquer Youth survive during this time of financial hardship.  For a $10 donation, it allows another kid to race for free.

Conquer Youth is a one-mile OCR specifically designed for kids with 10 legit obstacles (read more about it here in this Mud Run Guide article when the series launched).  Several of the obstacles have staggered difficulty lanes to allow for anyone from ages 5-17 to run the course and still have a great time.  With 20 locations planned throughout the Midwest and as far west as Arizona, it is a great opportunity to get your kids, your friends kids or in the case of the giveback program, a less privileged kid moving.   I took my daughter twice last year and she absolutely loved it.  It has resulted in her asking me to build “mini-OCRs” in our basement and she’s already excited for 2020’s races.

Conquer The Gauntlet Pro Team's Nathan “NaPalm” Palmer leads another wave of kids on the one mile course.

If you are looking for something to do with your kids now, Conquer Youth has partnered with Ultimate Ninjas Chicago and has just launched their online “Ultimate Ninjas Virtual Classes”.  They occur over Zoom every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm CST (5pm EST) starting on April 27th.  Each class will be about 40-50 minutes and hosted by American Ninja Warriors. The first half of each class will not require any equipment and be suitable for beginners/intermediate.  The second half of the class will be more advanced and require a pull-up bar.  Zoom link is available hereClasses are free but they are asking for a $5 donation per class if possible (donation link to support the virtual classes is available here). 

The goal is to get 500 new kids out on the course racing.  After launching the program last week, they are already 1/5 of the way towards their goal.  Let’s come together to ensure they surpass the goal and then some.  It’s time to ensure our sport has a future, it’s time to grow the sport and it’s time to give back.

Pictures from the Conquer Youth Facebook page

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