Mud Run, OCR, Obstacle Course Race & Ninja Warrior Guide

Training Tuesday: How to Get Across Rings

This week on Training Tuesday we turn to Camp Rhino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Julie Johnston, the founder of Camp Rhino brings us through a few techniques to get across this common obstacle. Additionally this week we offer you a doubleheader with a second video to help you to successfully navigate this standard obstacle.

 Obstacle Technique: Ring Monkey


How to Swing on Rings


If you are really looking to up your obstacle game, find an obstacle specific gym around you like Camp Rhino. Mud Run Guide has a comprehensive list of obstacle racing and Ninja Warrior style gyms around North America. Find one near you here. If you are in or around Las Vegas, Nevada be sure to drop into one of the classes at Camp Rhino and have your own go at the rings and all the other obstacles at their 10,000sq facility. Find out more about Camp Rhino here.

Share with Mud Run Guide your favorite techniques to get through ring obstacles in the comments below.

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