Sarah Pozdol is the author of the new obstacle course race training book Cruise the Course, Volume 1. The experienced trainer, obstacle course racing athlete, and all around fitness expert has years of experience in the obstacle racing space in a variety of capacities. Including she worked with Spartan Race for a while under the SGX program traveling around the country seeing the athletes on course.
Throughout her time in the industry, she started to see a trend in athletes and participants. She continued to see this trend while observing coaches teaching athletes and online social media posts. While most people were looking at how to conquer a particular obstacle, Pozdol realized that what was lacking was the basics. The fundamental movements which would help athletes “Cruise the Course” on race day. She also recognized huge areas in the world with no obstacle specific gyms around them.
With all this in mind, she set out to create the Cruise the Course series. The first in the series was recently released. The book is more like a workbook than a sit-down and read. The spiral-bound book offers workouts for all ability levels and ways to track your own performance along the way. Her workouts can be adapted to any athlete anywhere in the world. Most of the exercises require little to no equipment and can be done at any local gym or even park. Below is a sample of one of the workouts from the book.
The book is set up not only how to train your body for a race but also your mind. With mindset exercises throughout the book, there is something for everyone. Even the most experienced athletes can gain some inspiration from one of the many workouts outlined in the book. If you are looking for something new, something to inspire you to get out and train a little more in 2018, Cruise the Course might be your ticket.
Also included are QR codes at the back of the book that link to videos covering every single exercise, breaking down the movement and proper form. It is like having a trainer (Pozdol) right there with you along the way. Finally, once purchasing the book you are also invited to join an online community to help keep you on track.
Available on Amazon for $29.99.
A portion of all proceeds from the book go towards the Oscar Mike foundation and their mission is to help redefine life for injured veterans looking to stay active.