Rope Cross is touted as the longest rope traverse currently with the G3-level being 90 feet across. Tired arms, rope burns, and no splashing into the water make for a rewarding victory at the other end. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)
Goliathon is an untimed event held on a semi-fixed course in southern New Jersey near Philadelphia at a 4-H fairground. The organization is run by a core group of 12 who manage and function as a unit; building, promoting, marketing, and handling logistics and registrations. There is no corporate team behind this event, in fact, everyone at Goliathon is a volunteer. Goliathon is 100% a charity organization. We profiled Goliathon back in 2015 as a unique OCR company. Recently, Goliathon put on their annual spring event and OCR photographer Bob Mulholland was on hand to compile the action for this photo essay.

With three levels of difficulty (G1, G2, and G3) Goliathon is setup to challenge younger to older athletes along with families and friends who have never done an OCR before. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

The obstacles make for fun and challenging victories for children too. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

Goliathon's “Balancing Act” obstacle at G3 requires some serious parkour skills to navigate. It also allows those who aren't as well trained to hone their skills on G1 or G2. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

Larry Cooper, designer of The Destroyer obstacle, makes quick work of the G3-level Rope Cross. His new bride, Ginger (with the American flag), his wedding officiant, Frank, and two daughters, Ash and Ciara, encourage him across. (Photo Credit: Bob Mulholland)

Family bonding is a big part of this OCR as they help to support Goliathon's charity. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

“Leap of Faith” had most participants standing on shore tentatively waiting for their turn to show off their skills. Many epic splashdown photos were captured that day! (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

Goliathon is one of the few non-profit OCRs out there and donates all the proceeds of its events to charity: water. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

Ever wanted to do a warped wall American Ninja Warrior style? Here's your chance with three warped walls of varying difficulty. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

Athletes who successfully complete all G3-level obstacles receive the title of “David” like newcomer, Rigel Henry (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

Jamie Rahn, Captain NBC on American Ninja Warrior and Owner of Pinnacle Parkour Academy, currently holds the most Davids since Goliathon began. (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)

Doug Horton (center), one of the founders of Goliathon Obstacle Challenge, congratulates two more Davids: Dan Galiczynski (left) and Jonathan Stevens (right). (Photo Credit: Brian Motzenbecker)
Learn More about Goliathon Here.
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