OCR News Weekly
This week, Tough Mudder announces holy grail and competitive heats at all events, National Ninja League Championships, Ultimate Beastmaster debuts on Netflix, OCR Orphan Trip Announced for 2018, and your race results from Warrior Dash, Spartan Race, and Nuts Challenge.
Welcome to OCR News Weekly
This week, Tough Mudder announces holy grail and competitive heats at all events, National Ninja League Championships, Ultimate Beastmaster debuts on Netflix, OCR Orphan Trip Announced for 2018, and your race results.
Today is Thursday, March 9, 2017 – I’m Margaret Schlachter and this is OCR News Weekly brought to you by Mud Run Guide. We coming at you today from the Island of Ometepe in Nicaragua.
This week’s episode is brought to you by Spartan Race. Use code MUDRUNGUIDE15 for 15% off your next Spartan Race registration.
Out top story this week comes from Tough Mudder.
Tough Mudder announced this week their newest offering Tougher Mudder heats for all of their events this year . Tougher Mudder is a competitive heat at the beginning of the day at Tough Mudder events starting in March. Tougher Mudder will have athletes taking on all the Tough Mudder obstacles plus a few additional challenges.
Highlights of the announcement include the fact that Tougher Mudder is a mandatory obstacle completion. Athletes will be given wristbands at the beginning of the race. If they cannot complete an obstacle they will have to hand over their wristband and will not receive the Tougher Mudder headband at the end of the race, but instead, receive the normal Tough Mudder headband. The top finishers who complete all obstacles are eligible for cash prizes.
Additionally, Tough Mudder announced it’s Holy Grail. For athletes that complete successfully a Tougher Mudder, Toughest Mudder, and World’s Toughest Mudder in 2017 will receive a special grail for their efforts, unique t-shirt, patch, and digital badge. For more information about all the different tough mudder distances and a breakdown of each event check out MudRunGuide for more information and the full announcement.
Find a Tough Mudder Near You and Save
National Ninja League finals took place last weekend in Northern California. Top Ninja athletes from around North American converged at Apex Movement. American Ninja Warrior Nation was on hand to cover the whole event live streaming much of the event. To watch the runs for yourself head to AmericanNinjaWarriorNation.com
Full story from American Ninja Warrior Nation
The new Netflix series, Ultimate Beastmaster debuted over the past weekend. Many familiar faces from the obstacle racing community made it onto this new competition reality series. The series pits international athletes against each other on a short obstacle heavy course. For fans of American Ninja Warrior, Entertainment Weekly wrote a comparision of the two shows earlier this week. From Entertainment weekly:
Netflix rolled out its first reality show last weekend with Ultimate Beastmaster, a hardcore obstacle course competition series clearly inspired by NBC’s summer hit American Ninja Warrior (which in turn is a spin-off of Japan’s Sasuke). In a way, Beastmaster is like a metaphor for how Netflix has evolved television; the streaming company has taken something traditional channels have done well, then tried to upgrade it into something that’s bigger and better and even more addictive. Have they succeeded? Both shows are fun diversions featuring athletic prowess, inspiring you to get to the gym.
Check out the shownotes to see the full article:
According to Bustle and The Hollywood Reporter Season 2 of the series has already been shot but a release date has yet to be announced.
Full Article from Entertainment Weekly
On My Way to Sparta announced Plans are underway for the 3rd annual OCR Orphan Adventure Mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico. Sponsored by Back2Back Ministries, this trip combines obstacle racing, camaraderie, and a life-changing experience with severely disadvantaged children and youth. Jeff Cain (Onmywaytosparta founder) and Jason Throndsen will be coordinating the trip taking place January 13-19, 2018. For more information about the trip and pricing visit Onmywaytosparta.com or find the link in the show notes.
2018 OCR Orphan Adventure Mission Trip
We highlight a few of the races from the past weekend around the globe. Last weekend Warrior Dash was in Texas, Spartan Race held a winter race in New York, Nuts Challenge took place in the United Kingdom.
Warrior Dash
Top results from Warrior Dash in Texas were:
Spartan Race
Top results from Spartan Race at Greek Peak in New York were:
Nuts Challenge
Top results from Nuts Challenge over the weekend in Surrey, United Kingdom were: (full results)
21K Race (3 Laps)
28K Race (4 Laps)
This weekend some of the top events to watch around the globe are Spartan Race in Houston, The Suffering in the United Kingdom, Terrain Race in Florida, and we will be reporting live from Survival Run Nicaragua on the island of Ometepe in the middle of Lake Nicaragua.
Those are your headlines this week from around the obstacle racing world.
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