In my humble opinion, a Bad Ass Woman of OCR isn’t just one that stays in the spotlight with epic races all the time, stealing top podium spots, or even breaking speed records. In the case of Lauren Casavant, not only is she fierce in the OCR community, but has also taken her love of being active to the next level with her company PursuEVENTures.
From the research that I have done on Lauren, her goal with pursuEVENTures is get families active, bring the community together, and to explore her local area and it’s natural beauty. I wanted to try and give you my audience a better sense of who she is and what’s she’s about. In this article, I wanted to focus on both her love for OCR and PursuEVENTures.
What has been your proudest moment in OCR to date?
Racing Warrior Dash in Barre, MA in 2013, it was incredible to share OCR with alot of my friends, family, and members of the local community for the first time.
If you could be a flavor of beer (and get as crazy as you want) what would it be and why?
I’d be a “Snakebite” a blend of half stout and cider, they both have bold, very different qualities, and that best describes me. I have a wide range of interests, responsibilities, and abilities that all make up who I am.
If you could come up with an obstacle design or concept, what would it be?
It would be composed of strength, balance, and of course heights, nothing like some distance between you and the ground to get your heart pumping a little bit more.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you on course?
I have a hard time with this one, I took the events a little too seriously in the beginning, over the years I have loosened up, had a lot more laughs, and enjoyed the scenery a bit more. Plenty of on course goofing around to come.
As the founder of the PursuEVENTures (events geared towards families) what made you want to start this company up?
I was interested in creating and directing my own events/races in my community and this idea took off. It is an amazing opportunity to use my background in racing to create an experience for all ages that can be both challenging and fun.
*PursuEVENTures, as a company, has been designed to uphold our commitment to the communities that we work with, to create active, fun events that link participants with their local youth and family-based organizations.
*Obstacle Adventures is an OCR event that PursuEVENTures created to allow kids to participate in a real, made to scale Obstacle Course standalone or alongside other local OCR events.
How many races have you organized to date?
Organized (Completed) – 2
Upcoming (2017) – 5
Any plans to expand PursuEVENTures beyond the USA?
Anywhere our services, concepts, and knowledge are requested we will try to make an event happen!
If someone comes up to you and asks how their kids can get more active, what do you suggest?
It starts with the parents, conversation needs to determine how much time they are designating to activity or fitness. If none, they need to look at how they can add that into their schedule and involve their children in it as well. I encourage people to go outside for a walk, jog, hike, bike, etc. it is the best way to start any one or a family in the right direction.
After being the first place female at OCRWC in 2014, what has been your next biggest racing/OCR accomplishment to date?
OCRWC 2014 was a group effort; I was honored to race with some of the best women in OCR to date! My favorite racing accomplishments come when I race close to home, sharing my hard work and success with my friends and family.
What does your normal training regime look like?
There is no normal or routine for me, my schedule is always changing which causes my training to change often as well. I do my best to make sure to do least two hours of training a day, to making sure my dogs get a walk every day, and that twice a week I choose a non-impact option like swimming or biking.
If today you were offered an all-expenses paid trip to participate in the Tough Guy event, would you do it? If not why not?
100% without a doubt, my bag is already packed just in case. I appreciate and respect the idea of this original creation, I have the gear, and I absolutely love and thrive in cold weather racing!
What is your next biggest race / OCR goal?
To get back to the race community as a competitive racer a bit more rather than mostly a race director.
Is there anything else you want to share (a funny story, a moment from one of your races that you carry with you)?
Being recognized on course always takes me by surprise, it lifts my spirits during races and reminds me that the community of OCR enthusiast are truly supportive of one and another.
If someone wants to reach out to you on social media to say hi where can they find you?
On Facebook – Lauren Casavant
Instagram @lcasavant86
and Twitter (which I definitely neglect haha) @casavant86
To contact and follow us @pursueventures or
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