Bunim/Murray Productions, producers of the successful reality shows Project Runway, Real World, and most recently The Selection on History Channel is currently casting a competition style series. Yesterday, Mud Run Guide spoke with the casting agents for the show to find out who are the ideal candidates for their newest show “Special Ops Experiment (working title)”.
Bunim/Murray Productions is looking for people who thrive on pushing themselves. This competition series will put 30 contestants through the most intense physical and mental challenges. The show will be led by members of the US Special Forces. Representatives from Bunim/Murray say “You will train exactly like Navy SEALs, Green Berets, and Army Rangers.“
The casting agent we spoke to also added:
Throughout this series, we will allow people to truly test their limits and find out what they are really made of! This isn’t a competition against anyone else – it’s a competition against yourself. Although this experience will require participants to be physically fit, the mental part of the experience will be just as challenging, if not more! The aim of this series is for the participants to go on a journey. We want this journey to be conscientious and respectful, and an honest portrayal of anyone willing to push themselves. The training will last less than three weeks and there is prize money awarded to those who make it past a certain level in training.
If you are a fan of GORUCKS, AGOGE, SURVIVAL RUN, THE SUCK, or other extreme endurance events this competition show could be right up your alley. Casting is open now through the end of October. More information below in the flyer.