The NBC competition reality television series Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge continued to rule the airwaves last night with the second episode airing after American Ninja Warrior. The new team obstacle racing series premiered last week as the second highest rated “alternative television” launch in the last nine months. Last night the show captured the number one position at the 10pm slot beating out Mistresses on ABC and BrainDead on CBS.
The Spartan show which featured OCR superstars Amelia Boone and April Dee helped add to the 4.6 million viewers who tuned in last night. The show maintained it's 1.5 share from its premiere according to TV By The Numbers Monday report. This makes for another good week for the new series.
Starting this week Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge moves to its permanent spot on Thursday night at 9pm eastern time. This week offers a chance to catch up on the last episode with a repeat of the previous week at 8pm.
Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge Episode 2
Did you tune into the show this week?
Did you see the spear throw?
Have you run a Spartan Race at the farmers farm in Barre Massachusetts?
Share your opinions of the episode below.