Tough Mudder wraps up #ObstacleWeek with the number 1 obstacle voted by fans. Today coming in at #1 is Blockness Monster, the rolling obstacle that takes more than one person to succeed. It takes a team to get the block spinning and your team over each one in the watery pit. Enjoy your favorite and some never before seen moments from the obstacle. You voted, Tough Mudder listened and we bring you your number 1 fan favorite obstacle. Today is all about Blockness Monster at #ObstacleWeek.
Blockness Monster
Throwback Obstacle Moment
Blockness Monster started as a test obstacle that made it's debut at the Vegas Tough Mudder in 2015. It quickly became a Mudder favorite when it was showcased in the 2015 World's Toughest Mudder under the temporary name Roll the Dice. It was Vegas after all! It quickly made it's way into the 2016 obstacle lineup and has been a fan favorite ever since then.

Photo Credit: Melissa Dugan
The World's Toughest Mudder Community over the weekend decided to have a little bit of fun on the obstacle and staged a meal on one of the blocks. Melissa “Sharkbait” Dugan was part of the group which orchestrated this amazing photo op. This is the story behind it all:
Last weekend Tahoe, Kentucky and Virginia Tough Mudders all took place at the same time. At each Tough Mudder many World Toughest Mudder's came together to not only run together but join together for dinners both Friday and Saturday nights. WTMers are also known for their fun competitiveness- so a “best group dinner photo” competition was challenged!
Weeks of $#%t talking, leaking fake information, and each location trying to infiltrate the others made the challenge that much more fun! Virginia is my where I grew up so I always attend that event.
Richie Peck came up with the idea of using Blockness Monster and Renee Thrasher started gathering items to stage a dinner table. I contacted TMHQ and they were super excited to help us out! We waited until the course was shut down Saturday and we started our setup.
HQ graciously had construction on site (to assist in bracing the Block, using a custom brace future WTMer Jay Mazza created) and even had medics on site “just in case”. While the other locations made a great effort with their photos, Virginias photo won by a landslide with show of “likes” within the WTM Community!
While the other locations made a great effort with their photos, Virginias photo won by a landslide with show of “likes” within the WTM Community! In the end, we all had fun and was a great excuse to eat some muddy food and spend time with our Mudder family.
Tips for Conquering Blockness Monster
Blockness Monster is an obstacle that takes teamwork and communication. But don’t take our word for it. Check out this Just the Tip episode featuring Coachified. Learn how you too can successfully succeed at Blockness Monster.
It’s your turn share your favorite moments on Blockness Monster with Mud Run Guide. What is your story to tell about the obstacle? How have you conquered the obstacle? Have you built a human chain before or attempted to conquer the obstacle all on your own? Share your thoughts and story as part of #ObstacleWeek at Tough Mudder.
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