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When Milla Star Bizzotto takes to the starting line on Friday, she is sure to stand out from the rest of the female competition. This 9-year old is taking up the challenge this weekend at BFX24 with her father, Christian Bizzotto. While most of Milla's peers are interested in video games and selfies, she has taken up a different cause. Milla is leading a movement called #InspirationForTheiPadGeneration and her goal is to inspire her peers to get out and get active.
Milla had an idea to run the BFX24 after completing a BattleFrog and Spartan Race with her father. Her father emailed David Moore of BattleFrog earlier this winter to see if Milla would be able to compete. Below is the original email.
“Hooyah David,
My name is Christian Bizzotto, Coach at Focused Movement Academy. I have an 8-year-old daughter who races OCR with me. My little champ trains every day, does burpees by the 100 and rows 5k at a time. She completed the last Miami BattleFrog 15k had no issues with any of the obstacles, ran by my side the entire time and crushed everything in her path. The following week she did the Spartan Race and asked if she could run it again as it was not a challenge for her.
She has put together a pit crew for the 24BFX and is working with three coaches. She will be nine at the time of the event. All she wants is the opportunity to test herself against the course for 24 hours. I will be running by her side the entire time, and as her father and coach her safety are my number one concern, her goal is to run six laps, she just wants the opportunity to try and run the 24. If at any point she needs to stop she will but she, at least, wants a shot at registering….
She wants all her friends and her school to support her and follow her on her journey. I think it is so important that she does what she does. Let's do our part to fix the obesity epidemic spreading with American youth.”
Moore replied that BattleFrog would make the exception for her and allow her to race with her father and try and reach her goal of six laps. This is how the family responded.
“We are registered and excited!!! She made an Instagram account to log her training leading up to race day! @millastarFMA. I train with her 5 days a week and will not leave her side. She is super excited to be able to spread a message to her peers.
Right now she is having leggings made with a message, one message about Anti-Bullying and one about Anti-obesity. It’s really important for her to inspire other kids to get outside. Her hashtag is #InspirationForTheiPadGeneration.”
Mud Run Guide has been in contact with Milla's father, Christian Bizzotto, about his daughter's run this weekend. He told Mud Run Guide yesterday when asked about his daughter's drive to do this race.
Milla is my biggest inspiration. I am so excited to spend the day and night running by her side. She always has a way of blowing my mind. This anti-bullying campaign of hers is no exception. As her father, I could not possibly be any more proud. I delivered Milla, and I have raised her, so you could say our connection is closer than your average father and daughter.
But through obstacle course racing our bond has grown even stronger. Not only do I feel like she is the most special kid in the world because she is my daughter but she also is my favorite athlete to coach in the hardest working athlete at focused movement academy.
This weekend Milla Star Bizzotto will be surrounded by a team of people to help her achieve her goal as well as some of the best in OCR pushing her to achieve her goal. Mud Run Guide will be following her progress throughout the race on our social media channels.
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