It’s “Trainer Tuesday” and all last night I continued to think about how each and every one of us can be “Trainers/Coaches.” Most reading this piece love to train, race, stay fit, and are crazy passionate about the awesome sport we call OCR. So with this piece today, I’m not going to give you any quick tips on how to improve your running or how to conquer your next obstacle. I’m going to discuss the importance of inspiring the person next to you and every time you do, you are accomplishing the absolute most important part of being a Trainer/Coach.
What motivated me to take this direction with this week’s piece was a conversation I had with two of my new clients yesterday. They are nervous about the daily boot camp workouts I’m having them perform with our group, they are nervous about what it will take to stick with the program, and they were nervous when I brought up the idea of possibly joining us for an obstacle course race this year. Even if you’re not a coach, you know exactly what I’m talking about when I say, “nervous about sticking with a program or joining you for an event”. Most of you have been there with friends and family members.
In these moments, we are all coaches and embracing the real reason why our sport has been so successful needs to be in our message. OCR is much bigger than race day. It truly is a movement. I argue that it’s one of if not the largest fitness movements to ever take place. Tough Mudder truly is about “Community”, Spartan’s motto “ripping people off the couch”, BattleFrog “Can I do it – Yes You Absolutely Can”, Warrior Dash “A Good Time With Friends”, Savage Race asks “You Ready To Create A Lifelong Memory”. Many of us love to race and compete but for the majority of the nervous crowd, we can step out of our workout crushing training mode and all be coaches.
I can’t think of another sport on the planet more fun to introduce someone to and I’ve grown to appreciate and respect that nervous feeling almost every person feels when they want to make the commitment to improve their lifestyle through fitness and possibly even dive in and do a race with my group. It’s important for me to remember that first Warrior Dash in 2010 when I was super nervous. I had no idea what to expect and I was nervous! Now I call Warrior Dash the “gateway drug” and I hope they never go away because they are such a great introduction to our sport.
So for Trainer Tuesday my message is for you to embrace your coaching abilities and encourage someone in your life to make better lifestyle choices and you may just find yourself convincing them to join you out on course this year. Until next time – Yancy
Get Started With Yancy Camp today!
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