SpartanX is one of the newest offerings from Spartan Race as part of their education programming. The goal of SpartanX is to enhance and teach mental fortitude through online modules. The educational course is driven by the Spartan Principles.
Yesterday, Mud Run Guide spoke with Spartan Race founder Joe De Sena about Agoge, SpartanX, Spartan Delta and more. When enquired about the SpartanX programming, De Sena, said that the new online educational is the result of the nearly 1000 podcast interviews he conducted for the SpartanUp! Podcast. He interviewed leading in sport and industry and took the lessons from each person and applied it in the creation of SpartanX.
The SpartanX Program covers ten distinct modules.
Module 1: Finding Your True North
Module 2: Making a Commitment
Module 3: Fuel Your Enthusiasm
Module 4: Delay Gratification
Module 5: Maximize Your Time
Module 6: Get Gritty
Module 7: Attack Adversity
Module 8: Adjust Your Frame of Reference
Module 9: Be Honorable
Module 10: I am Spartan
Mud Run Guide spoke with John Gauch, Vice President of Training & Wellness Products at Spartan Race about the new Program. When asked about how the SpartanX programming fit into the overall training trifecta he said,
“It takes a unique blend of mind, body, and spirit to forge a Spartan. The Training Trifecta requires a Spartan to learn our fitness principles (Spartan SGX class or Spartan Obstacle Specialist class); to learn, change, and grow as a human being (Spartan X); and to put his or her physical and mental strengths to to the test in the ultimate challenge, the Spartan Agoge. Completing the Training Trifecta is proof of these accomplishments by an individual.”
We asked Gauch what the two most important takeaways for participants of the SpartanX programming are. He told Mud Run Guide, it's about “assisting the to participants find their True North, their life goals” and also pushing members to “learn the skills they need — commitment, grit, delayed gratification and others — to reach those goals, and be successful in everyday life, at work and home.” Finally, we asked Gauch who this educational program is designed for he said,
SpartanX is everyone who wants to lead an optimal life and to find life and work success, and Spartan is developing specific online courses for corporations, educational institutions, police and first responders. It's especially valuable for anyone — or any organization — facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, and looking for new approaches and ideas for overcoming it.
Enrollment is open for SpartanX. Participants work at their own pace from their home computer to complete this online course. Find out more information about the online course at the Spartan Race website. Sign up before the end of February for SpartanX and save 10% with code OCR10.
Find Your Next Spartan Race Here.
Save 10% on the SpartanX Course using the code OCR10 when you register
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