It's official, West Coast Loves BattleFrog. This past weekend, BattleFrog held it's third event of the year in Chino Hills California at Prado Regional Park.
The Venue was mostly flat with a variety of terrain from running in the grass, dirt trails, and a swampy section that I can only describe as Yoda's back yard in Dagobah. (Not everyone will get that Stars Wars reference so Google it if you must.) Running through the swampy section was mystical and eerie . If anyone was paying attention in the trees were these large dark Turkey Vultures lingering while in the murky waters below were these beautiful white swans. If you were running Elite you probably didn't notice. If you were in the open waves or doing BFX you may have caught a glance of them.
The day started a little windy but as the first waves went out the winds subsided as the hot sun emerged as the dominating force of nature. The course was approximately 5.4 miles and included 31 obstacles. Most notably mentioned and most talked about new obstacle was the rope climb obstacle. Racers had to swing from a ring to a rope, climb up the rope and hit the bell and back to another ring. The course was very well marked with red flags and the obstacle layout made for a challenging experience. Who needs hills when you have a high density filled Obstacle Course. It's Obstacle Course Racing after all.
The Rigs on the course continued to be the most difficult obstacles, and there were some modifications to other early-season obstacles as well, the Weaver apparently morphed as the bars were spread further apart making it more accommodating for taller people and not so much for the little people. The MOB construction of BattleFrog's obstacles allows for infinite reconfiguration, and we've already seen some of that in-play with changes from San Diego to Phoenix, and now in Los Angeles. There were no safety issues on any of the Obstacles or on the course to my knowledge. Not once did I feel that I or any of my brethren were in any danger.
As the Sport (or hobby for some) of Obstacle Course Racing continues to grow and change so will the Obstacles and BattleFrog. BattleFrog so far has delivered a class A product to obstacle racers of all athletic abilities and West Coast Obstacle Course Racers are eating up what BF is serving.
The attention to detail at a BattleFrog Series event is impressive and a result of a dedicated staff and volunteers, who are operating like a well oiled machine right down to the BF signs that lead you to the venue and the attendants that keep the porta potties sparkly clean. Despite some criticism on social media and the troll patrol, BattleFrog has demonstrated that they have the potential to become one of the Top Race Series in the Industry, which is their senior management's purpose and goal. In talking with Ramiro Ortiz and the team, their goals are way more long-term than counting every single athlete on the start line this early in the season, but carving a niche out for BattleFrog with the experienced racer while showcasing the exciting sport through their collaboration with ESPN on shows, commercials, and the Fiesta Bowl sponsorship.
But in the larger scheme of things it will ultimately be the buzz from the public, the quality, safety, and challenge of their obstacles, and how well the BattleFrog Series is embraced by the public – both experienced racers and newbies alike. From conversations both on the course and post race everyone is talking about how BattleFrog has become the must-do Obstacle Course Race.
BattleFrog Series offers challenges for all types of racers from Elite, Masters, Open Waves, and BFX Extreme. BattleFrog Los Angeles was a Five Star Event . But don't take my word for it, get out there and race!
Save $20 on BattleFrog Series registration, just use code MRG20
I’m so glad that BF us starting get recognized as a force in OCR, and in my mind, poised to be the leader real soon. Iover endurance racing and adventure racing so I decided why not challenge myself in the 2 lap Elite race. As a former, thought once you are you always are, Army Ranger this is what I’ve been waiting for. I ran it well, was in the top 25%, until that last Platinum Rig. It was a beast and in my 40 mins trying to conquer it, I saw 7 or 8 men successfully negotiate it, out of roughly 50. It got me, but I’ll get my due in San Diego in September. To the au lther, thanks for putting this out there and keep on writing about OCR. Olympic sport in 2020 or ’24?
Bad grammar on my end…*I love endurance* and *To the author*
Since this is a new company compared to spartan,I will list how they could do things better,I signed up for the elite in the battlefrog LA,in spartan the elites go the same distance as everybody else,not the case with battlefrog,did not read enough I guess I did not understand that I would be doing the course 2 times,I lost my elite band early in the race,that’s fair enough as they give you as many chances as you want to complete the obstacle,but I always did my eight count when I could not complete the obstacle,when I lost my elite status they told me I was now in the open category,that’s ok too,but since I drop down to open on my first time around then why did I have to go around 2 times,did not understand that,every obstacle that I could not do both times around I did a 8 count,So why in the results I am listed as did not finish,that I do not understand,Bob Beede
Doing my first BF. So we will not have an idea what wave heat we are in till we arrive at venue?